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Category: Pop culture

A Quirky and Angsty Edge of Seventeen Review

Since people said they’d be interested, I said I’d try to do more movie reviews of stuff that wasn’t necessarily geek movies. So I’m going to ease into it with a movie that has a mild comic book connection. Here goes. Last night I went to see Edge of Seventeen, a film I’d been looking forward to…

Cosplay For Kids

I started the PCA/ACA paper I did last year with an anecdote about a little girl that I met at Baltimore Comicon a couple years ago. She was three years old and dressed as Harley Quinn. Here’s an excerpt from the story: In September of 2012, while attending Baltimore Comic Con, I met a three-year-old…

Sweet Christmas!!!

I am a black man, born in the 1970s, who grew up as such a comic book nerd that I decided to go out and get a Ph.D in it. Today, Luke Cage has his own TV series. I just got home from work, so I have not watched a single episode yet. More so…

In-Class Cosplay

So the students in my Comics class asked if they could dress as their favorite characters for Halloween. I said sure, I certainly won’t make it mandatory, but whoever wants to can go for it and maybe we’d even structure a lesson around the cosplay phenomenon for that week. I have 34 students. 24 girls…