11-21-06 (Photo credit: chrismaverick) Yes!!! It’s been weeks since I’ve been able to write a new tech service scam play! Well the wait is over! ——————- Our hero, MAV is catching up on some DVR’d tv shows while he cleans his home. A telephone rings. MAV reads the caller ID and…
Category: Telemarketer Theater
Imported From Facebook, Telemarketer Theater
Telemarketer Theater: You have just won…
by mav • • 0 Comments
11-21-06 (Photo credit: chrismaverick) It’s been a while, so let’s enjoy another one act play in Mav’s telemarketer series. [INT. Pittsburgh home of Stephanie Siler and Christopher Maverick. Phone rings. Mav answers. A woman with a thick and broken hispanic accent is the caller. Her voice amuses the hero because at…