ChrisMaverick dotcom

Category: Uncategorized

A request from the conference organizers…

Whenever you see a weird non-obvious rule listed on an online form, it’s because some smartass did something crazy the year before. This year’s PCA/ACA submission guidelines specifically say:“Please do not use quotes, bold, all caps, or symbols or emojis in the title…” Uh, yeah, that one is definitely on me… (It was just a…

Kickball 2015

So a year ago I made a random offhand comment in a tweet that I wanted to play kickball and drink beer and who was in? It was one of those dumb random comments that I make because I’m dumb and random. Only my friend Margaret responded and after going back and forth a bit,…

And today at 1am…

Went outside for a cigarette. I’m standing on my porch and a car pulls up in front of my house very slowly with a couple in it. The window rolls down and female asks me “You don’t happen to have a daughter named ______ do you?” “Umm, no, but there’s a little girl with that…

Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus Ok, I think a lot of my pro-wrestler friends will appreciate the video here. This would be “Dumbass Bully vs. Kid Cesaro. And your winner, Kid Cesaro.” But for everyone, really… what I don’t get is what exactly is going through Dumbass Bully’s head here? The video (and this article) reports the bully’s age…

Trippy “Magic Video” Wow… so cranky old people are right, TV *IS* a drug. Well, youtube is, anyway. Very very cool. Only they missed a prime opportunity here. Clearly their video should have been accompanied by Pink Floyd music. Seriously, I actually understand how this works, and it’s still pretty cool. Too bad it only last a few…

Hello world!

This is the default Wordpress post. I am leaving it here for testing purposes. But if you’re not me and if you see this post you might as well follow me on twitter: @chrismaverick. Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

On begging for money…

It’s been a long time since I actually put a blog post out here. I wonder if anyone is still paying attention. Only one way to find out. So anyway, one of the things that’s kept me away from the land of livejournal this last year is working on my comic strip. Cosmic Hellcats is…


7-12-09 Originally uploaded by chrismaverick. I originally intended to rant this here, and reference it on my 365mav project. But as I was typing there, I ended up pretty much doing the entire rant. But it really belongs in my blog here. And thus the crosspost.Welcome to Sexual Biology 101. I’m your instructor, Professor Maverick.So…

to jam or not to jam that is the question… Gladstone Ruckus at the Pimp Plaza – Jammy Jam 2K6It’s that time again. Jammy Jam is nigh. Well, pretty nigh anyway. My birthday is August 1st, and since that’s a Saturday, I figure that I should actually have Jammy Jam on that day this year. The problem is I haven’t been planning it. Like…