ChrisMaverick dotcom

Election 2016: Bizarro World Edition

The Bizzaro World, ©Tom Tomorrow, 2016 There’s something that has been on my mind the last couple days since I was having a conversation with Steph and I’ve been trying to figure it out. So I want to do a thought experiment and see what people’s feedback is. Ok, so Donald…

Presidential Archives – WWE Edition

Attention… I’d just like to point out that as of 9:21AM, Eastern Daylight Time, July 2, 2017, the United States Presidential Archives now OFFICIALLY forever includes a video of the President of the United States of America in a catfight with a man with a CNN logo for a head outside of a WWE wrestling ring…

WTF was that? (a Rough Night review)

There was one reason and one reason only that I wanted to see Rough Night. Because when I saw Wonder Woman, I saw the trailer literally back to back with the trailer for Girl’s Trip. From the trailers alone, they appear to be literally the exact same movie. Basically “hey, you know The Hangover? We…

On Father’s Day Unmentionables 

Weird gendering of holidays and marketing question: So, Steph and I were driving and we heard a commercial for Tommy John underwear. The premise of the commercial was “isn’t it hard to find your dad something for Father’s Day? Why not get him something he really wants. A bunch of attractive, well-fitting, stylish, high-quality underwear…

Chelsey: The Ring of Fire

Once upon a time I used to take photos regularly. Then grad school happened. It turns out grad school is not terribly conducive to free time for side careers. Whodathunk, right? Anyway, I was contacted by the lovely and talented Chelsey to shoot some promo photos for her hula hooping performance art business. And like if you’re…

The “R” wasn’t that hard and neither was anything else… and yet…: A Baywatch Review (no spoilers)

For reasons that I don’t entirely understand, Stephanie had been dying to see the movie reboot of Baywatch. She’s never mentioned the show before. She’s never spoken of her love for post-Knight Rider David Hasselhoff or pre-Hat Squad Billy Warlock. She’s never regaled me with tales of how she learned how to do an emergency tracheotomy…