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Tag: 365again


Day 1068 of 365 Again. Been trying to get a lot done. Reevaluating life choices and all that. Doing as much artwork as possible, and dreading the days where I have to work my real job. Not because of the job, but because it takes me away from the art. I know I’ve talked about…


Day 1067 of 365 Again. I put a lot of work into yesterday’s photo. Both the shot and the write up. So i decided today it was ok to just slack a little. So here’s a look into one of the secrets of the Maverick household. Let’s say you’re a beer drinker. You like your…


Day 1066 of 365 Again. Welcome to Sexual Biology 101. I’m your instructor, Professor Maverick. So ever since I decided to open Maverick’s School for Wayward Girls, I’ve been meaning to work on exactly what curriculum I would teach there. I’d been too busy to work on it though. Anyway, this weekend, my friend Amaya…


Day 1065 of 365 Again. Well, what do you do for fun? Had a shopping date with Morgan today so she could get new clothes for wrestling and maybe modeling. Was hoping Steph would come with us, but she ended up babysitting her neices and nephews. After the mall though we all met up to…


Day 1064 of 365 Again. Sometimes, after over 1000 days of self-portrait photography, you kinda run out of ideas. Actually that’s been happening a lot lately, hence the multitude of day-in-the-life shots that are clogging my stream lately, and no one is paying attention. But sometimes I don’t even have anything that interesting to shoot.…


Day 1063 of 365 Again. Work is bad for your health. How do I know? Because I used to be in great shape. Like just two years ago, I was unemployed, and working out every day, for lack of anything better to do, and I looked great. Now I’m fat. *sigh* I keep saying I’m…


Day 1062 of 365 Again. So I’m going to try something new. Or something old. Depends on how you look at it. I haven’t been carrying a briefcase the last couple of years. I used to carry my laptop with me back and forth to work and just generally around, but then as I got…


Day 1061 of 365 Again. This is really starting to piss me off. Right before Steph and I left for Tennessee, I started having problems with my pool. For some reason the circuit I have my filter plugged into was overloaded and it kept tripping. So I had to run a cable to another circuit…


Day 1060 of 365 Again. Ow… Really… Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! I was actually relatively fine during the 12 hour drive yesterday. I mean, no one loves a 12 hour drive, but I was pretty much ok. But I woke up this morning with a very sore knee. Luckily, I took the…


Day 1059 of 365 Again. Tennessee to Pennsylvania is a long ass drive. It’s an even longer drive when you run into a torrential downpour in Northern Tennessee, so bad that traffic slows down to a crawl and then you have to deal with several car wrecks because despite the totally awesome southern 70mph, well…


Day 1058 of 365 Again. So today was a little better at least. Steph and I spent the day on my uncle’s farm celebrating the 4th of July with my family. It was a pretty big party. All day BBQ, horseback riding, fireworks. You know its a party when someone brings a pony. Hmmm… maybe…


Day 1057 of 365 Again. This country is big… Steph and I saw a lot of it today. We drove from Pennsylvania to Tennessee for my family reunion. I took this when we stopped at a gas station next to a cornfield somewhere in Kentucky, I think… So I made hotel reservations a couple weeks…


Day 1056 of 365 Again. Oh thank god. I’m now on vacation. Here’s to a nice refreshing four day weekend. I did pretty much nothing but work today so I don’t really have an interesting story to tell. Went out for drinks after work, came home, did laundry and took a nap. Nothing terribly exciting.…


Day 1055 of 365 Again. So I spent my evening on the roof of an undisclosed location in downtown Pittsburgh shooting pictures of a cute naked girl. Why undisclosed? Well, we weren’t really supposed to be able to go up there. But sometimes, well, let’s just say, sometimes you know people who can get stuff…


Day 1054 of 365 Again. posted to my blog for the first time in months tonight. The context is just as relevant here, so I’m just gonna cut and paste: —– It’s that time again. Jammy Jam is nigh. Well, pretty nigh anyway. My birthday is August 1st, and since that’s a Saturday, I figure…