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Tag: 365icon


Day 1014 of 365 Again. So, according to my mom, my little nephew has been practicing the ancient ninja art of invisibility. Everyone apparently just thought it cute and silly, since he’s only a year old, but the more I think about it, maybe the kid is a genius. So I’ve been practicing it myself…


Day 754 of 365 Again. So, while I was working on tonight’s Cosmic Hellcats (check it out, yadda yadda yadda) I was watching the Republican National Convention. I love political conventions. You’d think that since I refuse to be a part of either political party I’d hate watching the base pandering of the DNC and…



so while browsing flickr, I ran across this photo by stephenpoff. I liked it and then started looking at his photostream and then realized that since the 1st of this year he has taken a self-portrait every day and hopes to do the same every day for a year. I immediately decided that I had to do the same.

This is the first one. Taken on the balcony of my hotel room in Warren, PA where Steph and I are vacationing.

Used in LJ post: (for the announcement that I was doing this)