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Tag: 365more


Day 999 of 365 Again. 1 day short of 1000. 1 shoot short of my 4 for the week. Lizz came over tonight to shoot her tarot card. We actually shot two, so now I’m in the weird place where I have to edit both and then decide which one I want to use. I…


Day 923 of 365 Again. My friend Jameel challenged me today to come up with a means of extending his millihalle scale to work for women both hotter and less hot than Halle Berry. I spent the evening working out the math behind it, and i think I have a pretty good system. If you’re…


Day 914 of 365 Again. Yesterday I decided to do a macro shot of my tongue so today I thought I’d follow it up with one of my skin. I don’t know if it’s interesting to other people per se, but I just like the idea of macro photography. This is an extreme closeup of…


Day 802 of 365 Again. I’m gonna let ’em know that Dolemite is back on the scene! I’m gonna let ’em know that Dolemite is my name, and fuckin’ up motha fuckas is my game! So long, you rat soup-eatin’ motha-FUCKA! (I was all set to write something memorable here tonight for all my regular…


Day 775 of 365 Again. I still hate strobes, but like I said last week they definitely have their uses. Most importantly, portability. I’m going to be doing some traveling for photoshoots soon and taking my big lights is kind of a pain in the ass. Same would true of studio class strobes actually, but…


Day 751 of 365 Again. It’s Labor Day weekend. A time of relaxing. That’s what I tried to do today. Spent the day at home hanging out with Steph. Something we don’t get enough time to do lately. We had a little BBQ (again) and hung out outside and talked. When I wasn’t doing that,…


Day 745 of 365 Again. Notice something different here? I actually picked up this new backdrop a while ago, but hadn’t had a chance to use it yet. I broke it out finally for yesterday’s shoot (after I had taken yesterday’s shot). I still haven’t processed those photos, but I like the look so I…


Day 731 of 365 More. I couldn’t really think of a good way to finish the second year of 365. Close that chapter of my life, so to speak. Finally I decided, why not, close the chapter. And so that’s what i did. Now to start year 3 365 days


Day 730 of 365 More. Tadaa! 730 days. The end of the second year. Or at least it would be if this weren’t a leap year. Still, calendar tricks aside, I think the fact that I’ve just posted 365 daily photos in a row, a SECOND TIME, is pretty cool. Figured I’d earned myself a…


Day 729 of 365 More. Another year, another Jammy Jam. And a good time was had by all. So I was actually kinda worried that Jammy Jam would be a failure this year. I had to move my planned date like twice. I had several friends who couldn’t make it. I had one of the…


Day 728 of 365 More. And it’s Friday. The last day of my power diet. I still have a bit of a gut, but I lost 5 pounds this week. Which puts me halfway to my goal of the 175 I wanted to be at, and I think that’s pretty damn good. Tomorrow is Jammy…


Day 727 of 365 More. You know, maybe I have a future in this business after all. Got a coffee table book that Amazon had recommended me today. I’m a huge fan of coffee table books. This one is called Katlick School by Sante D’Orazio. And it’s exactly the kind of thing that i would…


Day 726 of 365 More. I’m just all kinds of neurotic. I think I’m fat. Ok, I know I’m not really fat fat. But I’m not in the kind of shape that I want to be in. The kind of shape I’ve been in before. And when I look in the mirror (or moreover, when…


Day 725 of 365 More. So I’ve been seriously slacking off with my workouts lately, and I’ve paid for it. When I weighed in last week I was a full ten pounds over where I was last Jammy Jam. And Jammy Jam is all about being sexy. That’s the impetus I needed to get back…


Day 724 of 365 More. Crap… So I was actually having a decent day. Work was long and annoying, but productive. Work can be like that. But then once I got home, I had a nice dinner with Steph, a pretty good workout and got some new photos of Virginia editted (including one of my…