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Tag: 52weeks


Day 225 of 365 days. Got home just before midnight last night from a wrestling show, after not really sleeping the night before. Went to sleep and now I’m off to another show that I won’t be home from til 2am probably. Sometimes this hobby is more demanding than a "real" job. I suppose I…


Day 214 of 365 days. I had a job interview today. Went in and was corporate Mav. Or as close to that as I get these days. I probably could have gotten SOME job a while ago, but I’ve been so unhappy with SOME job in the past that now I’m pretty much laying all…


Day 208 of 365 days. I had been meaning to do this shot for a while. Ever since the lovely and talented (take that Amber :-P) Sassyshannon999 made her Inspired by the Film group. It suddenly occurs to me that Scarface is not among my 519 DVDs. Clearly that is some sort of oversight that…


Day 201 of 365 days. I’ve had this idea since maybe the first or second week I started this project. I just never got around to doing it before. I think I even mentioned to TravelinJim on a pic of his that I had a cool long exposure idea. Well, since I’m going to be…


Day 194 of 365 days. Today, Steph took me for a walk in the middle of the forest and tried to leave me there. Usually, when she does this I leave a trail of pebbles so I can find my way back. But I was all out this time. So I left a trail of…


Day 187 of 365 days. You know even though I use a lot of darkness in my photography, I’d argue that my work usually isn’t all that "dark." So today is kind of a departure from the norm I guess. You can blame it on last night’s NyQuil induced coma and hallucinations. I thought of…


Day 184 of 365 days. Now usually I don’t do this… I don’t generally like to be flickr referential in my 365 pics since ultimately I’m not really taking them for flickr but because I want to have a nice little coffee table book done after a year. But when I was posting last night…


Day 171 of 365 days. Today, I went to my pregnant friend Gina’s house to help her make a plaster cast of her torso so that she can remember what she looked like while pregnant forever and ever. I guess its something pregnant women do these days. Even though I took pictures of the process…


Day 168 of 365 days. Some days I just don’t feel like getting out of bed. Today was one of them. One of the nice things about this whole unemployment experience is that it gives me a break from my career. For the record I hate computers. I hate the computer industry. I hate working…


Day 163 of 365 days. Ok, this will probably be the geekiest thing I ever do in this 365 day project. I spent a lot of time playing video games yesterday, and I started thinking "I haven’t done a big massive photoshoppy picture in a while. I’ll have to do one soon." Then I went…


Day 154 of 365 days. Weird thing about the way we treat ourselves. I’ve been trying really hard to whip myself into shape. If I made a New Year’s resolution that’s probably it. I’ve been working out every day, trying to dump about 13 pounds (I’m down 8 since Jan. 1). I’ve also sort of…


Day 145 of 365 days. When I first started this project I had very real concerns as to whether or not I’d be able to hit every single day for a year. I was very much afraid that I would conk out and just stop caring after a week. Now, 145 days in, taking a…