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Tag: 8

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

I’ve recently had some thoughts on restructuring the tarot deck. As such I reused two of my old photos for different cards. Of course now by doing so I’ve ended up junking some cards that were already done in order to meet my new designs.


I’m never going to finish this damn thing.

Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups

I have a hard time finding male models. I get a lot of my female models through Model Mayhem but there just aren’t as many men there.

Luckily I know a gazillion male wrestlers. Facade was perfect for my Eight of Cups card. I asked him to do it ages ago, but we only recently got around to shooting it. Pretty happy with how it turned out.



There’s a funny thing about shooting a tarot deck, that you might have noticed if you’ve been paying attention. I have a lot more female models than male ones. Even for the cards that have to be naked, its just a lot easier to find women willing to pose for the deck than men. Its funny, because in real life, you’d expect the exact opposite.

Luckily, I have a large selection of professional wrestling friends to draw from when I need male models. Joe was willing to pose for my strength card.

I’m pretty happy with how it turned out as well. Pretty much exactly what I was going for. BUt still comments and criticism highly welcome.

26 cards done. That’s 1/3 of the way through. Whee!