ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: amanda

To my friend Aspen…

I almost never post to my blog anymore (should fix that) Aa lot of what I say I put over on VoxPopcast), but I do pretty frequently say shorter things on Twitter or Facebook. Today, I wrote this on Facebook… a eulogy for a friend. I decided that it was something I wanted to have…


Day 1346 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. Always catching up. Amanda came down from Maryland to shoot. She’s the first person I’ve ever met FROM zivity (as opposed to people who I got to join it). More photos of her as I get a chance to edit them. Trix came by to shoot…


Day 1000 of 365 Again. 1000 Days! Unbelievable. I had actually intended to do a big shot about it being the 1000th day today, but I didn’t have time because right after work I drove out to the ‘burbs to do a shoot. My fourth (and final) of the week. It was a great time.…