ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: beauty

Housewife-67-Edit copy

Housewife-67-Edit copy

This is totally like Zivity week for me. I’ve had three sets go live. I feel like I’m spamming people just by bringing it up all the time.

Anyway, Marybeth had her first set published there, and it’s doing pretty well. So you know, same as always, here’s a sample, more if you go there.

Really, I’ll try to get some more flickr specific stuff done soon. I promise.

Housewife-12-Edit copy

Housewife-12-Edit copy

This is totally like Zivity week for me. I’ve had three sets go live. I feel like I’m spamming people just by bringing it up all the time.

Anyway, Marybeth had her first set published there, and it’s doing pretty well. So you know, same as always, here’s a sample, more if you go there.

Really, I’ll try to get some more flickr specific stuff done soon. I promise.

Housewife-9-Edit copy

Housewife-9-Edit copy

This is totally like Zivity week for me. I’ve had three sets go live. I feel like I’m spamming people just by bringing it up all the time.

Anyway, Marybeth had her first set published there, and it’s doing pretty well. So you know, same as always, here’s a sample, more if you go there.

Really, I’ll try to get some more flickr specific stuff done soon. I promise.

Full of Grace 2

Full of Grace 2

So Zivity is running a contest for sexy "cliches." Anyone who knows me, knows that I can’t pass up an opportunity for some hot school girl pics, and really what could be more cliche than that, right? So I entered. Twice.

This one is with Sarah(MM#13043), who obviously is one of my favorite models ever and a close dear friend. This was a high concept shoot. I didn’t want to just do the sexy school girl thing that I usually do. I wanted to tell a different kind of story. One of pain. Something dark and gothic. In my head, the Madonna "Like a Prayer" video was playing the entire time we shot it.

Anyway, check out the entire set on zivity. Let me know if you need a trial account.