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Tag: bicep


Day 895 of 365 Again. Yep, being sick sucks. My stomach hurts. My head hurts. My very soul hurts. It really sucks. I kinda want to say something philosophical here. Something about the way that being sick physically drains you emotionally. Fills you with dread and hopelessness and saps your will to really do anything.…


Day 417 of 365 More. Life sucks sometimes. In fact, life sucks most of the time. I don’t know why that is. But I wish it would stop. Sometimes it does stop. For like ten seconds, the world melts completely away, and everything is ok. Then it goes back to sucking. I wish ten seconds…



There’s a funny thing about shooting a tarot deck, that you might have noticed if you’ve been paying attention. I have a lot more female models than male ones. Even for the cards that have to be naked, its just a lot easier to find women willing to pose for the deck than men. Its funny, because in real life, you’d expect the exact opposite.

Luckily, I have a large selection of professional wrestling friends to draw from when I need male models. Joe was willing to pose for my strength card.

I’m pretty happy with how it turned out as well. Pretty much exactly what I was going for. BUt still comments and criticism highly welcome.

26 cards done. That’s 1/3 of the way through. Whee!


Day 38 of 365 days. I had been wanting to take a shot featuring all of my tattoos at some point and when Pi c’s suggested a birthmark challenge it seemed like as good a time as any. These are the various symbols that adorn my body, the dates I got them, and what they…