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Tag: black


Day 1198 of 365 4 lyf. So I take a lot of studio shots for 365s, but a lot of them are lazy really. Standard lighting. Just go in there and shoot against the backdrop. Save to computer. Minimal editing. Upload and done. This may look like that to casual eye, but it’s really so…


Day 1181 of 365 4 lyf. So for our anniversary, among other things, Steph and I got brand new iPhones. There were a lot of reasons I was looking forward to this, but one that I hadn’t really been thinking about is how much better the built-in camera on this one. And if you’re gonna…


Day 1180 of 365 4 lyf. I need a bigger lens. Like a 2000mm lens. I’ve thought about purchasing one a few times. But on the other hand, I could just buy a car. I don’t even have a good use for one. But I could take pictures of the moon. I love taking pictures…


Day 1179 of 365 4 lyf. plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose Do you know what I was doing 1096 days ago? Exactly this. Do you know what I was doing 4017 days ago? Pretty much the same thing. Steph and I have been together for 11 years today. Only six more payments…


Day 1172 of 365 4 lyf. I’ve been so tired all day. I hope I’m not getting sick. Steph woke me up to get ready for work and I immediately fell back asleep. A couple times. Drove to work, got there and felt like I was gonna pass out. Felt better by the end of…


Day 1162 of 365 4 lyf. This pictures has nothing to do with anything really. Just came home from work and thought, it’d be awesome to do a picture putting my hoodie up over my head. And well, yeah. I think it is. In any case, at least its the weekend. There’s never enough of…


Day 1119 of 365 Again. So I’m trying to fight my way through the creative slump. I’m not saying this is the crown jewel of 365s but at least it’s trying more than I have the past couple days. Spent the evening not working on Hellcats. Not that I don’t have stuff I could be…


Day 1117 of 365 Again. Tired and burned out and didn’t feel like taking a picture. I really need to get back on the inspiration kick. What do other people do when they’re burnt out. I used to be able to pull myself out after a few days, but I feel like I’ve been in…


Day 1116 of 365 Again. Another Monday, and I’m back at work. Was late today because apparently I ran something over and punctured a tire so I had to go to the shop to get that patched first. Spent a busy day at work, which much like any other day at work just saps all…


Day 1114 of 365 Again. Fell asleep last night watching a movie. Woke up this morning sore as hell. I have no idea why. Something is definitely wrong when you injure yourself sleeping. Through the rest of the day, it didn’t really get any better either. Slept in. Got up and used the hottub. Tried…


Day 1102 of 365 Again. Lately I’ve been posting "wistful career change decisions" to my Twitter account. Just little flights of fancy that it occurs to me I might like to do for the rest of my life. Tonight I had one that I think i’d be cut out for. I think I want to…


Day 1101 of 365 Again. Five days in to the new set and I’m already defaulting to backup pictures. Sad. So very very sad. Sometimes I don’t know where the weekends go. I got a lot done this weekend. Both with the comic and with photography stuff for zivity. I got my fantasy football draft…


Day 1096 of 365 Again. Today was the last day of my third year of 365. The previous two years I wrote big long retrospectives about what was on my mind. This year I forgot until almost 10 o’clock. I got quoted about the project in an Orlando newspaper this week and the reporter mentioned…


Day 1094 of 365 Again. Steph came to me the other day and asked me to do a photoshoot for her. Given how many photos I take and the fact that she lives with me, one might think that’s pretty normal, but you might notice that I don’t post many pictures of her. Well, that’s…