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Tag: books

Gay Men reading 50 Shades of Grey

I want to issue a very sincere public thank you to Amber Love and through her the Huffington Post, for showing me what is clearly the best thing on the internet ever. I’ve enjoyed reading since I was about two years old. 38 years. It’s been a good run. Well it’s over now. I…


Day 1164 of 365 4 lyf. Shopping! Shopping! Shopping! Yay shopping! Went to Barnes and Noble today. That building is way to fucking dangerous. We actually just went in to get a present for Steph’s brohter’s birthday. I left having spent $80 on myself. I swear, I didn’t mean to. I have no idea what…



Day 656 of 365 More.

First of all, I want to wish a very special happy birthday to one of my most favorite models in the whole wide world, Sarah. I love you, babe. Remind me to take you out for a drink when you get back from vacation. I decided to celebrate Sarah’s birthday by posting the last of her photoshoot with Starr earlier this evening, so all the rest of you can celebrate too.

Speaking of Sarah, I spent the rest of the evening getting the most recent episode of Cosmic Hellcats. Pretty happy with this one, as it is the first time all four girls have appeared in the webcomic together. I also added fan art from Stephen yesterday, and I have one to add from ☼ Helder that I’ll probably put up tomorrow, so check back often. And if you have Hellcats fan art, we’d love to post it as well, so send it to us at

And now about this picture. I’m still not happy with my own current drawing skills, so I’ve been brushing up on Manga techniques. My natural style was never really Manga influenced, although I am a fan. Hopefully reading a bunch of technique books will help me brush up to where I feel confident drawing an issue. We’ll see.

Only I didn’t get around to actually drawing anything tonight because I was too busy coloring and lettering the comic, editting the Sarah and Starr pics and watching the Penguins finally win a Stanley Cup game. Series is now 1-2, with the Pens having scored 3 points. 3 more straight wins with only 8 points, and I win the office pool.

Go Pens!

365 days


Day 529 of 365 More. I love when I come home and there is a package from Amazon. It’s like Christmas. Today I came home to discover that the mailman had brought my Batman and Spiderman training manuals. Just what I need to continue my journey to becoming a superhero. Lessons on crafting your costume,…


Day 520 of 365 More. So I slept in today. Anyone who has been paying attention the last couple weeks probably knows that I seriously needed it. I woke up to hear hammer and dropping things and cursing and came downstairs to discover Steph putting together the new bookshelf that we bought the other day.…


Day 515 of 365 More. I’m feeling a little better today. I’m still overworked. I’m still exhausted. But, I’m feeling a bit better about it. I’m almost caught up on the shoots I’ve done so far for the lights show, and should be finishing the rest of them up tomorrow. Then maybe I’ll finish a…