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Tag: bw


Day 933 of 365 Again. Ok, I guess macros are just my new backup shot now. I basically didn’t do much of anything constructive today. Well, ok, that’s not true, but I didn’t really leave the house. I played some video games, which was nice, I don’t really get the time for that much at…


Day 914 of 365 Again. Yesterday I decided to do a macro shot of my tongue so today I thought I’d follow it up with one of my skin. I don’t know if it’s interesting to other people per se, but I just like the idea of macro photography. This is an extreme closeup of…


Day 913 of 365 Again. What do you do when you don’t have any idea for the day? You practice your macro photography. I pretty much wasted the night tonight. Wanted to work on Hellcats, I have a big one due on Thursday. So instead what did I do? I wasted my night blogging about…


Day 909 of 365 Again. I’ve had a wanderlust lately. A desire to go somewhere and explore the world. Live life. Being something different and new. Haven’t felt it in a while, and I don’t really know what to do about it. I certainly don’t have the resources to just pick up and walk the…


Day 908 of 365 Again. Continuing to try to get my life back to normal. I spent the evening working on Hellcats. I’m actually pretty happy with how that’s been going. I’m especially proud of the comic I put up at midnight tonight, episode 80, because we’re finally revealing the character we had been foreshadoing…


Day 899 of 365 Again. Ok, so I guess it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Woke up this morning feeling kinda sick but being determined to get to work. Driving to work pretty much wore me out so I took care of everything I needed to for today and drove back home…


Day 892 of 365 Again. You know, usually when something monumental happens I tend to write some kind of commentary or rant on it. I try to make poignant important points while peppering things with my own snide assholish humor. But sometimes, even I don’t have the heart. Today is Martin Luther King day. Basically…


Day 876 of 365 Again. I figured today I would do something creative with my self-portrait, but that didn’t really happen. Instead I decided to explore another technique of texturing an image, kind of like I did yesterday. Exciting, huh. Maybe not, but like I said, it’s a vacation. You know, looking at my eyes,…


Day 875 of 365 Again. Took the day off again. The last two weeks, I’ve worked Monday, Tuesday and half of Wednesday and then had the rest of the week and the weekend off. It’s been very relaxing but damn, working five straight days next week is going to kill me. I think I mentioned…


Day 871 of 365 Again. Well, it’s been a while since I did one of these. Kind of nice. It feels like I’m back to being me. Today it was back to work for another toiling 2.5 day work week. Half a day on Wednesday, Thursday is a holiday and I’m taking Friday off. Still,…


Day 854 of 365 Again. Spent the evening working on photos and watching movies with Steph. Didn’t really get much of anything interesting done, but I did cull my most recent photoshoot down to 68 photos from 517. The problem is I still have to get rid of at least 23 more and then do…


Day 846 of 365 Again. I swear I just don’t have enough hours in the day. I spend the first half of my day at my day job. I guess that’s not unusual for most people, but I’m a very busy person, and I just have to think to myself that’s 8 hours, a full…


Day 845 of 365 Again. I had this little tradition going. I just hadn’t realized it. on both of my previous pics for 11-22 I had done a picture of the world famous Maverick family rice pudding. I make it for Thanksgiving every year and this year was no different. Only I didn’t happen to…