ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: cat


Day 1031 of 365 Again. So my shameless whining from yesterday worked and Morgan invited me over for dinner and to hang out with her while she tried to get her new kitten, Sooki, who she just got today, acclimated to her apartment. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be good company because I had…



Day 673 of 365 More.

Didn’t really have an idea for a shot today.I was sitting around managing some of my project wonderful ads on my laptop and working on coloring the next comic, when Otto, Steph’s cat, climbed up on the couch right above me head. Sometimes its just a moment like that where inspiration is born and you get a shot.

Tess our other cat would have freaked out and ran as soon as I climbed up there with her.

365 days


Day 25 of 365 days. I actually had a couple photoshoppy ideas that I thought I might try today but then I got interested in doing some work on my novel instead. So instead this is me at work on that. Tess makes her second appearance in this project as my proofreader. 365 days


Day 23 of 365 days. A busy day. Had a wrestling show an hour and a half away. Had ideas that I might take a pic there, but I still haven’t figured out a good way to take a picture of myself in the ring without getting my camera broken into a billion little pieces.…