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Tag: cgi

Death by prequelitis (a War for the Planet of the Apes review)

It’s summer blockbuster season. Because of a random and frankly insane number of convenient coincidences throughout the 1970s and 80s, the movie industry is structured such that the summer has a veritable cornucopia of action blockbusters. And now, thirty years later, with the advent of the cinematic universe era, there’s just even more… I dunno……


Day 1073 of 365 Again. The weather was great today. I got Hellcats done early and I even got some shopping in. So what did I do with the rest of the day? I thought I’d teach Steph how to fly. I don’t think she quite has the hang of it, but she’s learning. Also,…


Day 572 of 365 More. Sometimes I just want to get away. I wish it was that easy. I used to do a lot of virtual world stuff like this. Back when I was in high school I had the theory that computers would be the new art. I believed the whole science fiction theory…


Day 148 of 365 days. I love that modern video games allow people to make themselves and put them in the game. Today, Steph and I went over to Mike and Jill’s house and played the new version of Karaoke Revolution, American Idol. While I don’t think my karaoke video character looks as good as…


Day 95 of 365 days. One of the most fun things about being a pro-wrestler isn’t exactly obvious. Every year, around this time, a new version of the video game "Smackdown vs. Raw" comes out. Its a wrestling game. And it has the best feature of any video game in the world. You can design…