ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: chiaroscuro


Day 629 of 365 More. Yeah, I’ve lost my mind. Took a break of a few days. Well sort of. I spent the entire break working on the website. But I’ve now started plotting Cosmic Hellcats IX #2. And to make it even harder on myself, I’ve also started planning the web comic. Really, I…


Day 626 of 365 More. Yep. Just like I thought. I really don’t know what to do with myself. I had been thinking, as much as I loved the Hellcat project it would be nice when I could get away from it. Today was my first day where I didn’t have to do Hellcats stuff…


Day 622 of 365 More. And breathe… That’s it. That’s all I can do. The comics are here. The graphic novels are here. The prints are here. The t-shirts are here. The con is tomorrow. Am I excited? Yes… Am I terrified? Yep, a little of that too. The thing is, I still expect something…


Day 614 of 365 More. Oh god my head…. I have no idea what’s wrong with me. I started getting a headache during the middle of the day at work and its grown since then. I’ve taken a couple Aleve and I can function, but only barely. It was my intent to just take this…


Day 608 of 365 More. So I think I ranted enough yesterday for a the whole week. The issue is still not resolved. I’m still not happy. But I’ll leave it at that for now. In other news, I’m anxiously awaiting word on how the comic is doing. Really, everything is probably fine. But I…


Day 607 of 365 More. It’s gonna be another of those bitchy posts. Just so you know. Sometimes I love this project. A lot of the time really. Every few weeks or so, someone sends me mail or leaves me a comment telling me how 365 has changed their life and thanking me. 365 never…


Day 606 of 365 More. So today I paid the federal government about $400 for the honor of having essentially been unemployed for the majority of 2007. And people wonder why I hate both political parties of this country. The really funny thing is, I’m getting the government kickback of $600 this year just like…


Day 604 of 365 More. It’s 1:23 in the morning and I get to go to bed as soon as I get this posted. I don’t remember the last time I got to say that. The comic is finished and has been uploaded and scheduled for printing. Now please everyone just keep your fingers crossed…


Day 603 of 365 More. Done! After just over a month of solid work, I finished the last page of the Cosmic Hellcats comic tonight at 10pm. Then I turned my attention to taking my daily photo. Since I had known I intended to finish it today, my original idea was to take a photo…


Day 601 of 365 More. You know, I really don’t feel as bad as this probably looks like I do. Honestly, I’m just kinda mildly irritated. First of all, my beloved Indians lost and ruined their perfect season. Hopefully they’ll bounce back. 162-1 ain’t bad. Then I went to play poker. I’ve been on a…


Day 599 of 365 More. I should have done this shot yesterday, but i didn’t get around to it. Oh well, it holds just as true today. It’s baseball season, once again. Nothing could be more exciting, except maybe the start of football season, but that’s still months away. Until then, I have my beloved…


Day 597 of 365 More. "Once upon a time there were four beautiful little girls. All three enrolled in the Academy for Science Soldiers and graduated to join the Transuniversal Interstellar Tranquilty Squadron and were given very hazardous duties as part of the elite Science Ninja Action Team: Cosmic Hellcats unit. But I took them…


Day 591 of 365 More. So Steph and I have two cats. But you’d never know it. Tess, has appeared in a few 365 shots with me. However, in the first 590 days I did this project, her brother Otto never appeared once. When I was trying to come up with a shot for tonight,…


Day 589 of 365 More. My brain is turning to mush. Actually, I had a pretty productive day today. Got a lot of work done on the comic (2.5 pages). Filmed what seemed like a good episode of the podcast. Got our new Time Capsule (Apple Airport 802.11n router with 500GB of storage built in…

Chaste School Girl 4

Chaste School Girl 4

So now that I’m done with the main Hellcats comic, I’ve started working on the "Prestige Format" edition. The same comic, in bookshelf format, but with extra features. Namely, modeling shots of the real girls.

Obviously all of my Hellcats had modeled for me before, but you can probably see that I have fewer pictures of Chaste than any of the others. Well, we had a photoshoot a few weeks ago, and I never got around to processing a lot of the pics. Time to start fixing that now.