ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: chiaroscuro

XVI-Tower 2

XVI-Tower 2

Usually I only post four or five photos from a shoot at a time, but I’m still running way behind, so I spent the evening editing my entire shoot with Jonny.

It’s rare that I find male models on Model Mayhem, and it’s even rarer that one contacts me. But Jonny did and volunteered for the Tarot deck. Which was perfect because he had exactly the right look for my redo of the Tower Card. He was looking for some TFCD work in my style and in particular liked some of my motifs I use a lot (martial arts weapons and the comic posterization for the tarot deck). So it all worked out pretty good.


Day 968 of 365 Again. Here’s to getting shit done… I had a really productive day today. A couple days ago, both Newt, and my friend Mike wrote me within five minutes of each other to let me know that yet another film was casting for extras in Pittsburgh. We all know how much I…


Day 962 of 365 Again. For a little bit there I was doing really good at whipping myself back into shape. I was up to ninety minutes of cardio. I was on the way to losing all the extra weight I had packed on. I was actually feeling pretty good. But the problem with being…


Day 961 of 365 Again. You know, in a lot of ways, the pitchblack shadowed background thing is kind of my trademark. I really kind of developed the style to be used in the tarot deck. And I do love the style. But at this point I just really look forward to days where I…

Urban Terror 21

Urban Terror 21

I’m actually still working on editing the photos I wanted to put up for tonight, but this may be the most badass photo I’ve ever taken and I had to get it up right away

A couple weeks ago, Merci Rae and Chaste asked me to come do an urban terrorist shoot with them. I’ll take any chance to work outside of the studio so I jumped right in. I’m glad I did. Finally got a chance to process some of the pictures tonight and decided they needed a little something extra. I decided that giving them that urban acid look would really pop the post apocalyptic nuclear future appeal.

More to come


Day 950 of 365 Again. I was going pretty good with my workouts for a couple weeks there. Now they’re falling behind. It really sucks. I just get too busy. Between the comic being due twice a week and trying to keep up with photoshoot work, it just doesn’t leave much free time. If I’m…


Day 946 of 365 Again. I’ve discovered the secret. It’s 5:30 AM as I write this and I am wide awake. How? Technology! All these weeks I’ve been next to death trying to keep up on all my side projects as well as my job. I had pretty much given up on sleep. Then it…


Day 941 of 365 Again. I’m going slightly mad I’m going slightly mad It finally happened – happened It finally happened – ooh oh It finally happened – I’m slightly mad Oh dear! I’m one card short of a full deck I’m not quite the shilling One wave short of a shipwreck I’m not at…


Day 934 of 365 Again. Today’s picture is pretty much just so my mother can have a chance to laugh at me. In other words, IT’S FUCKING COLD in Pittsburgh. It’s not even snowing today, but it’s still freezing. Sometimes it’s just too cold to snow. It can be summer anytime, ok, thanks. 365 days


Day 922 of 365 Again. Just taking a break… trying to reflect and figure out my future. Sadly, I still feel like I can’t quite see it. Sigh… why can’t I just be rich? I don’t need to be really rich. Just rich enough to do some of the things I want. Any of the…


Day 921 of 365 Again. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m smoking, filthy, dirty, disgusting habit, I know. But you know what, it looks damn cool for pictures. I haven’t been doing any photoshoots lately. Not since Christmas. I really need to fix that. I miss it. Wrote a bunch of prospective models tonight. Hopefully that means…


Day 916 of 365 Again. I really just wanted a chance to do something cool I’ve felt like my self-portraits weren’t much of anything lately. I just wanted to do something creative and I started thinking of something weird to do. It turned into kind of a magical/superhero thing I guess. Big surprise. Anyway, it…


Day 915 of 365 Again. I’m always naked, under my clothes. I had no real idea for a shot today, and I was running out of time, while I was working on tonights Cosmic Hellcats. I was talking to Brigid at the time, and asked her for an idea. She suggested the same thing she…


Day 906 of 365 Again. This is hard… I’ve spent the last 906 days documenting my life. As far as I know, longer than anyone on flickr. Given that, you’d assume that I like talking about myself. I really don’t. I just like talking. I’m actually extremely private about things that really matter to me.…


Day 899 of 365 Again. Ok, so I guess it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Woke up this morning feeling kinda sick but being determined to get to work. Driving to work pretty much wore me out so I took care of everything I needed to for today and drove back home…