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Tag: chiaroscuro


Day 898 of 365 Again. Ok, yes I am offcially sick as a dog. Today as horrible. I slept in til like 3. This is something I never ever ever do. But I really needed it. The only reason I even got up then was that I knew i needed to work on Hellcats. Thank…


Day 884 of 365 Again. If you’ve been paying attention, you know that I’m a die hard Steelers fan. I work my life around it. I rejoice when they win and I mourn when they lose. Today was a good day. The team completely decimated the Chargers and moved one step closer to a sixth…


Day 872 of 365 Again. The year is ending and everything is winding down. I don’t have a terrible amount of energy. Mostly I’m just worn out. Having two weeks in a row where I don’t have to work the entire week is kinda nice, but I just know that next week is gonna kick…


Day 871 of 365 Again. Well, it’s been a while since I did one of these. Kind of nice. It feels like I’m back to being me. Today it was back to work for another toiling 2.5 day work week. Half a day on Wednesday, Thursday is a holiday and I’m taking Friday off. Still,…


Day 852 of 365 Again. Well, I have the smallest glimmer of hope. I finally heard back from the company that made my hard drive. I am out of warranty (as I knew) but the tech seems to think that the problem is the power adapter has gone bad (not the motor on the drive…


Day 850 of 365 Again. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!!!!! I should so not be allowed around anything remotely technological. I have this terabyte drive. I use it as a cold storage disk. That is to say, when I’m done working on a project, I move all the source files off…


Day 826 of 365 Again. The end of the work week. Wheee! I guess I could have done something exciting with my Friday night. Really I considered it. But no. Instead I just stayed home and watched TV and played some video games. No drawing. No writing. No photography except for this. No work! But…


Day 822 of 365 Again. Ow. The problem with wrestling is that I’m old. Oh so very old. I still enjoy it, otherwise I wouldn’t do it, but man am I sore the next day. Yesterday, I was in a Battle Royal and then I was in a tag team triple threat match. When I…


Day 817 of 365 Again. So the rest of the world rejoiced today at the thought of President Obama. I guess I rejoice a little but too. But mostly I wonder if it meant everything everyone thought it would. Did the sun shine brighter? Did all problems in the world magically evaporate. Not that I…


Day 815 of 365 Again. Are you ready for some football? I think I mentioned before how much I hate this football season. The Steelers schedule is all fucked up and it throws off my entire week. So instead of having football to watch after breakfast on Sunday, now I’m forced to watch it after…


Day 805 of 365 Again. Everybody’s working for the weekend. Or at least I am. And it’s finally here. I remember back before I had a job, I constantly was worried about money and finding one. I was soooo busy looking for work that that was basically a fulltime job. But at the time i…


Day 803 of 365 Again. Still working on my Halloween costume. Don’t you just love the way he drama is building? I thought so. I know it doesn’t look like much. hell, it acutally doesn’t look like anything. But trust me, it’s all part of the process and we’re well underway. This is going to…


Day 800 of 365 Again. 800 days. Wow. Well, the radio show co-hosting gig I thought I had today was cancelled. Or at least postponed. Oh well, that was exciting for a minute. Maybe for the best anyway. I really hadn’t planned or prepared for it. And it meant that I got to spend the…