ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: chiaroscuro


Day 796 of 365 Again. If they ever make a Cloak and Dagger movie, I want to play Cloak. Maybe opposite Scarlett Johannsson. Or if you want to get way out there with the casting and take a chance, Jesse Jane. Sorry I haven’t bee answering people’s comments lately. I need to get back into…


Day 795 of 365 Again. Well, I did three shots in a row without resorting to the studio. That’s something, right? Not much interesting going on today. Went to work, came home, had dinner with Steph and watched TV while working on the comic and some photos. Blah… still feeling really tired and burned out.…



yet more pics of andi as I work my way through the series. I’m glad we got such good stuff.

I think it’s funny that even when I’m doing something outdoors, on location,I still end up using such heavy almost studio, blacks and shadows. I guess it’s just me.

This may be my favorite shot in a long time.



yet more pics of andi as I work my way through the series. I’m glad we got such good stuff.

I think it’s funny that even when I’m doing something outdoors, on location,I still end up using such heavy almost studio, blacks and shadows. I guess it’s just me.


Day 787 of 365 Again. I have a lot of thinking to do. The studio that I was working with a few times in the last year or so on gallery shows is going away. Several people from the studio are thinking of opening a new one. I have an opportunity to be a part…


Day 782 of 365 Again. Sigh… one of those days. Overslept and was late for work. Was supposed to have a photoshoot after work. That didn’t happen. I’m burnt out, tired, depressed and just generally need a break. I need a vacation, or at the very least a long weekend packed full of drunken sex…


Day 775 of 365 Again. I still hate strobes, but like I said last week they definitely have their uses. Most importantly, portability. I’m going to be doing some traveling for photoshoots soon and taking my big lights is kind of a pain in the ass. Same would true of studio class strobes actually, but…


Day 772 of 365 Again. First of all, I guess, apologies to anyone who reads this over the RSS feed instead of on flickr. RSS feeds don’t have safety filters, so If you’re reading this on your work computer and are promptly getting fired… well, she’s hot enough that it’s worth it right? Anyway after…


Day 768 of 365 Again. Ever had a day just get away from you? That how I feel about today. I know I went to work. I know I was supposed to have a photoshoot that didn’t happen. I know I spent the entire evening wroking on the new Cosmic Hellcats (which I think is…


Day 767 of 365 Again. I’ve always hated flash photography. In truth, I still do. I have this little Canon Speedlite 430EX that I use in emergencies, but in general I’d much rather use my hot lights or the good old fashioned sun. The warmness of the light just suits me so much better. But…


Day 763 of 365 Again. I had a great idea for a photo project today. You know, because there like isn’t enough going on in my life. *sigh* Anyway, I’m really excited about it. Obviously most people reading this will have no idea what I’m talking about, but a few of you that I have…


Day 760 of 365 Again. I almost got in a fight today. Exciting huh? Well, more like really stupid. Steph and I were hanging out watching TV today when there was a knock at the front door. I went down to answer it and it was my fifteen year old neighbor. He very respectfully and…


Day 753 of 365 Again. You know, in 752 days, I don’t think I ever got around to doing one of these before. Crazy, huh? First day back at work after a long weekend is always rough. I was exhausted when I got home. Exhausted and sore. I spent the entire 3 day weekend soaking…


Day 752 of 365 Again. I thought Labor Day was supposed to be a day of rest for the working man. I was busier than ever. At least it was a fun kind of busy. Did some work on Cosmic Hellcats. Kinda annoyed that my views were down in the last week or so over…