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Tag: chiaroscuro


Day 750 of 365 Again. Huh… check it out. Day 750. I really have to pay more attention to the big milestones. I didn’t even think about it until I was editing the pic. Oh well. Not much up today. Tried to catch up on a lot of photo editing. Had full intents of getting…


Day 749 of 365 Again. Mickey and her boyfriend were still here today, so of course I took the opportunity to shoot pics of them in the studio for the Tarot Card deck. Once we were done and they were changing so we could go out to dinner, I decided it might be cool to…


Day 744 of 365 Again. First of all, Happy Birthday to my little brother, who probably will never read this, but whatever. Had a photoshoot today. This is Scarlett. And there’s one big reason that I wanted to shoot her. I thought she’d looke awesome on a stripper pole. Something I definitely needed for the…


Day 743 of 365 Again. Steph and I didn’t really get to hang out today. She went to a wedding and I went to a friends birthday party. I did manage to get home in time to take a picture with her though. The rest of the day I pretty much spent editing photos. And…


Day 735 of 365 Again. The problem with doing this project for three years is that you really get to the point where you’re not coming up with interesting shots. One of the reasons I started this was coming to grips with being in front of the camera myself. Also learning more about photographing men.…


Day 733 of 365 Again. It’s been a long time since I’ve done a flickr challenge. At least not one that Stephen or I didn’t come up with for the podcast. But then Brigid came up with this idea to do a Marionette Militia and I had to join in. It was a little tricky…


Day 721 of 365 More. The media is trying to cover up my destroying of the sun. Trying to pretend like it never happened and that was just some run of the mill total solar eclipse. It could have happened whenever. BAH! We all know the truth. In reality I was completely successful. None of…


Day 717 of 365 More. And we’re back. The drive from New York or Pittsburgh is, well… long. Not as bad as the drive from Tennessee, but somehow it felt like it. I don’t know why, but I was really tired, so I ended up sleeping pretty much anytime Steph was driving (and vice versa)…



Day 709 of 365 More.

Another day, another fire.

Yesterday it was pyrotechnics, today it’s just a good old fashioned modern day barbecue.

Steph asked me to grill some chicken for dinner today, but I was working on Hellcats most of the day, so i didn’t get to it til late. I also decided to use the opportunity to show her how to build a proper barbecue fire. I don’t believe in gas grills. Proper BBQ involves charcoal, lighter fluid, and some good old fashioned flame. It also helps if you have a tasty homemade BBQ sauce to put on the meat. My sauce is famous, as is my flame. When it burns hot enough to light a self-portrait you know its a good temperature to cook some meat.

Wonder what I should burn tomorrow?

365 days



Day 704 of 365 More.

Sometimes every day just seems longer than the last.

I am so far behind on everything. I have pictures of Leia to edit. I have two or possibly even three shoots to get through this week. I have a bachelor party to throw this weekend, and through all of that I still have to get Thursday’s Cosmic Hellcats up and find some time to do next Monday’s since I’m going to be so busy this weekend.

Speaking of Hellcats, Max and I are almost caught up through all the plots I’ve written so far. So I need to find time to throw together another few months worth of strips before then so he has something to draw. I also have been wanting to work on the second issue of the paper comic but I haven’t even had time to think about that (or any of the other related projects that I haven’t yet announced) in months.

Speaking of writing, I even have a nice little rant brewing in my head that I’ve wanted to get up in my blog but haven’t had time to compose. I have written anything there in months. I suck on so many different levels.

I also have a birthday coming up. And with my birthday that means planning Jammy Jam. I am so far behind in preparations for that that it’s scary. Maybe it’s best that I really do blow up the sun. But you know, you’re all welcome to get me presents just in case.

And on top of that I have an actual 9-5 job to hold down.

You ever just feel like your drowning? If so you’re probably doing better than me. I don’t even remember what air smelled like

365 days



Day 700 of 365 More.

And on the 700th day, inspiration came.

That sounds exciting, but it may just be a little dangerous.

I’ve actually been kicking around this idea in my head the past few days, trying to work out the details of a magic invisibility screen. Finally decided how I wanted to do it today. I bought a whole bunch of frames at the store today, and I have an idea for a whole series starring a varitety of male and female models.

You know, like I have the time to take on another project.

That said, I’m pretty excited about it. I’m not terribly super happy with this one, it’s not the easiest thing to do as a self-portrait, but I really think I can make a good series with this once I get started.

365 days



Day 699 of 365 More.

You know, I’m pretty much just addicted to this whole self-portrait thing. I was talking to my mom the other day about the one day she’s missed, and the thing is, I don’t even know how to NOT take a picture. After 699 days, there’s a lot of days I don’t have ideas and just don’t really feel like it. But honestly, I don’t think I can even sleep through the night if I haven’t taken a picture. It’s just too much a part of my life right now.

I know that sounds like dedication. It’s not really. It’s neurosis. I have a problem. I obsess over certain things. This has become one of them. Just like smoking (ran out of cigarettes hours ago and everything reasonable is closed… I’m working really hard to not go out and buy a pack), working on the comic (new episode yesterday, if you haven’t been checking it out, you should be… cheap plug), nightly orgies with Carmen Electra, Rhianna and Elisha Cuthbert, and chocolate chip cookies.

There are just somethings that I can’t live without.

Wouldn’t it be great if those things were like working out, eating healthy, and solving the energy crisis? Oh well.

365 days



Day 698 of 365 More.

I really need to work out more. I mean, I know I’m by no means fat. But I am not happy with how I look right now. This time last year I was in heavy work-out mode in preparation for Jammy Jam. This year I just haven’t had the time.

Steph and I did go swimming, so I guess that helps a little bit. Still I really need to get rid of that gut. I really need more hours in the day.

365 days