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Tag: clfsv


Day 1205 of 365 4 lyf. If you’ve been around my photostream for a while, you might recognize Nicki who modeled for me a couple times way way back. Well, she graduated and moved away, but was home for Thanksgiving, visiting her family, so when she mentioned that she’d be going out to Hines Ward’s…



It’s been a really long time since I posted a tarot card. The biggest problem is that I got to a point where I needed specific people in order to finish things off. I finally got one done today though with Viki. I needed the perfect "California Blonde" look for the sun card, and I think she pulled it off well.

Would love comments on this or any of the other Maverick Tarot cards.


Day 1179 of 365 4 lyf. plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose Do you know what I was doing 1096 days ago? Exactly this. Do you know what I was doing 4017 days ago? Pretty much the same thing. Steph and I have been together for 11 years today. Only six more payments…


Day 1169 of 365 4 lyf. Steph’s been sick the last week or so but is finally feeling better, which is goog because it meant that she’d sit in for a picture with me. Basically did nothing but work today. But I did find some new photoshop actions to test and play witih. So like…


Day 1156 of 365 4 lyf. Morgan was booked on an all women’s wrestling show in the Cleveland Flats and asked me to come along. Always nice to go back "home" so i tagged along and ended up being part of the only "mens" match on the show (the two guys in the match are…


Day 1149 of 365 4 lyf. So I had a whole big concept shoot in mind today, but as stated in yesterday’s pic UPS fucked me over, so I had to cancel that. *sigh* So instead, Steph, Trixie and I went shopping and did a litle mini shoot later. I decided to induct both of…


Day 1094 of 365 Again. Steph came to me the other day and asked me to do a photoshoot for her. Given how many photos I take and the fact that she lives with me, one might think that’s pretty normal, but you might notice that I don’t post many pictures of her. Well, that’s…