ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: closeup


Day 1005 of 365 Again. So very tired… this working around th eclock lately is starting to take it’s toll. Trying to get some of the comic strip done tonight and I’m falling asleep while I work. I think I may just have to call it night. And what do I do when I have…


Day 863 of 365 Again. Damn it’s cold outside. I actually thought about going out today. Maybe taking a picture outside. Doing something more interesting than I had been doing. Fuck that. It’s currently 8 degrees here in Pittsburgh, with an overnight low of 5 degrees. The windchill is -20. I might climb into my…



Day 672 of 365 More.

Brother can you spare a dime!!!!!

You know it’s crazy. I don’t do anything but work anymore. I guess it’s been like that for a while now, but I’m just starting to have it sink in.

I have so many extra projects, I can’t keep up with extra projects. 365s get posted after 4 in the morning. I keep falling behind on answering comments. I’m really behind on commenting on other people’s stuff. I started working on a tarot card like four days ago and haven’t gotten back to it. I haven’t had time to draw or edit my most recent photoshoot.

I’m just burnt out.

This will be so much easier when I become so famous that I don’t have to work a real job. But for being at work for 8+ hours a day, I’d really have a pretty good life.

As it is, I have no life anymore. It’s June. I should be well into planning Jammy Jam by now. I got nothing. No bands. No prizes. Last year we were actually talking about maybe trying to find some venue other than my house for this years jam, and yet I haven’t even been looking at outfits for myself. Anyone want a job being my Jammy Jam coordinator? My last one moved to Hawaii.

I’ve spent most of my time since I got home from work reorganizing the Hellcats site so that it can better display ads. Ewww, banner ads, my god have I sold out. But if I want to seriously be a writer/artist/whatever, I guess I have to make money some way. And I’m really happy about the Project: Wonderfiul business plan. They actually gaver us a serious boost in views today. Let’s hope it continues.

365 days


Day 492 of 365 More. Do you remember when the Steelers were a good football team? At this point, only vaguely. *sigh* After the game I had a shopping date with one of my models and got some more Christmas shopping done. Then I came home and did some photoeditting while watching the season finale…

Damsel leaning

Damsel leaning

Did a photoshoot with Liz. It was her first time and yet it went amazingly well. It’ll be a while before I get around to culling through all 528 shots we took and picking all the ones I want to process but I needed to upload this one right away for Class With Dave. This should fulfil the wideangle close up requirement.

Shot at 28mm. ƒ/4.5 1/20s


Day 93 of 365 days. Today was another of those days where I didn’t actually have an idea I was looking forward to. I kind of put taking a picture off for a while and then just went down in the basement and played around for a bit. Then I came up with this idea…