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Tag: cmdotcommodel

Sarah laying 2

Sarah laying 2

You know, I actually made those T-shirts to sell on my website years ago and never really got many sells. I wonder if I posted some of these pics if I could sell more.

Sarah is a model who contacted me when she saw another model’s pics I’d taken. She had the perfect look to be one of my pages for the Maverick Tarot, but as with lots of the other models I’ve worked with, I decided it’d be a good idea to take some other shots too.

I got tons of great shots with Sarah, and I’m sure I’ll be posting more in the coming days.

Sarah laying

Sarah laying

You know, I actually made those T-shirts to sell on my website years ago and never really got many sells. I wonder if I posted some of these pics if I could sell more.

Sarah is a model who contacted me when she saw another model’s pics I’d taken. She had the perfect look to be one of my pages for the Maverick Tarot, but as with lots of the other models I’ve worked with, I decided it’d be a good idea to take some other shots too.

I got tons of great shots with Sarah, and I’m sure I’ll be posting more in the coming days.

Used in LJ Post:

Laurie in the window

Laurie in the window

Like most of my recent models, I met Laurie on Model Mayhem. I actually saw her as a preppy staff card type for my Tarot Set, but she told me she really wanted to try to be one of the sword cards. The more I talked to her, the more I liked the idea of using her there. She has a very versatile look and that ended up being perfect for the idea of the 3 cards, a reflection of the one suit in another.

And because I love this pic and I thought it would be cool to use 3 pics from the same shoot for all three CWD assignments, I am also using it as cwd223: U2. The song: Window in the Skies

Oh, can’t you see what love has done
To every broken heart
Oh, can’t you see what love has done
For every heart that cries
Oh, can’t you see what love has done
Love left a window in the skies
Oh, can’t you see what love has done
And to love I rhapsodize

Ambriella sitting 6

Ambriella sitting 6

I love when i meet a model who is absolutely perfect for a Tarot card idea I have. I was talking to my friend Connie (who posed with her son for the Judgement card) and telling her of my idea for the ten and ace of swords cards. I wanted the cutest, most petite, goth girl I could find holding a broad sword bigger than she was. A minute later, Connie found Ambriella on Model Mayhem (where I’ve gotten several models for this project). I wrote her and she was totally into the idea. Hopefully I’ll get to shoot her again soon.

Ambriella portrait B&W

Ambriella portrait B&W

I love when i meet a model who is absolutely perfect for a Tarot card idea I have. I was talking to my friend Connie (who posed with her son for the Judgement card) and telling her of my idea for the ten and ace of swords cards. I wanted the cutest, most petite, goth girl I could find holding a broad sword bigger than she was. A minute later, Connie found Ambriella on Model Mayhem (where I’ve gotten several models for this project). I wrote her and she was totally into the idea. Hopefully I’ll get to shoot her again soon.

Ambriella with broadsword

Ambriella with broadsword

I love when i meet a model who is absolutely perfect for a Tarot card idea I have. I was talking to my friend Connie (who posed with her son for the Judgement card) and telling her of my idea for the ten and ace of swords cards. I wanted the cutest, most petite, goth girl I could find holding a broad sword bigger than she was. A minute later, Connie found Ambriella on Model Mayhem (where I’ve gotten several models for this project). I wrote her and she was totally into the idea. Hopefully I’ll get to shoot her again soon.

Amaya solitude

Amaya solitude

Every once in a while its nice to get out of the studio. Amaya and I went to West Virginia’s Spruce Knob state park to do a photoshoot this week. These are some shots from that fun filled day.