This is Scarlett. She drove up from West Virginia to be part of the Tarot set.
More to come.
This is Scarlett. She drove up from West Virginia to be part of the Tarot set.
These three pole dancing pics are alternate views of for the Eight of Staffs card which more and more I am not liking as I look at it. The feeling of it just isn’t right. So I’m looking for opinions. Which of these three best fits the mood of the other tarot cards and still convey’s "swiftness" (i’d still have to over saturate it to match the other staff cards and digitally add a tattoo).
More to come.
These may be about the naughtiest shots I’ve done in quite a while. They were Holly’s idea, and I wanted them to be sexy but wanted to keep them sweet and innocent too. Hopefully that worked out.
This was actually kind of an outtake. The girls just started laughing from the sillyness of the moment. The shot was too perfect not to use though.