ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: cmdotcomself


Day 217 of 365 days. I was looking through my previous pictures earlier and just enjoying seeing where I’ve been and what I’ve done, and I realized that I hadn’t really done a simple portrait in quite a while. I’ve just been taking shots that were somehow related to my day and talking about that.…


Day 215 of 365 days. Found out today that I didn’t get one of the jobs I was up for. I don’t know that I’m super-bummed out about it. It wasn’t the greatest job ever or anything like that, in fact if I were offered everything I have applied for lately, that would not have…


Day 208 of 365 days. I had been meaning to do this shot for a while. Ever since the lovely and talented (take that Amber :-P) Sassyshannon999 made her Inspired by the Film group. It suddenly occurs to me that Scarface is not among my 519 DVDs. Clearly that is some sort of oversight that…


Day 168 of 365 days. Some days I just don’t feel like getting out of bed. Today was one of them. One of the nice things about this whole unemployment experience is that it gives me a break from my career. For the record I hate computers. I hate the computer industry. I hate working…


Day 113 of 365 days. Two days in a row with two backup pictures. Had a very busy day. Spent the morning painting the attic with Steph and then this evening went to Jill’s birthday dinner. I actually did take some pictures there but mostly other people. Actually took this one at her place while…


Day 45 of 365 days. As much as I like the 400D better than my old G3, I gotta say that its a lot easier to take a self portrait with the older camera. I never really used the LCD screen when photographing other stuff, but it was always useful if I wanted to shoot…


Day 28 of 365 days. So I had been complaining a bit over the last couple of days about being out of ideas for non-gimmicky photos. I made some joking remark about regretting that I wasn’t a cute chick so that I could just toss up a couple glamour shots or artful nudes (the kinds…


Day 16 of 365 days. So I walk up to the local cigarette store to take a picture in front of the "MAVERICK" brand cigarettes sign. Something I’ve been meaning to do for a week now. And then as I’m walking back home and walking down the hill I come up with this other idea…



so while browsing flickr, I ran across this photo by stephenpoff. I liked it and then started looking at his photostream and then realized that since the 1st of this year he has taken a self-portrait every day and hopes to do the same every day for a year. I immediately decided that I had to do the same.

This is the first one. Taken on the balcony of my hotel room in Warren, PA where Steph and I are vacationing.

Used in LJ post: (for the announcement that I was doing this)