ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: dark


Day 1054 of 365 Again. posted to my blog for the first time in months tonight. The context is just as relevant here, so I’m just gonna cut and paste: —– It’s that time again. Jammy Jam is nigh. Well, pretty nigh anyway. My birthday is August 1st, and since that’s a Saturday, I figure…


Day 1052 of 365 Again. I like this picture. Actually I’m having a pretty good picture editing day. Got my first photoset of Miaa sent in to Zivity and accepted (I’ll post teasers here once it goes live) and this was just a snapshot I took of myself, by laptop light while I was working…


Day 1048 of 365 Again. I’m almost starting to get caught up on stuff. I’m a couple shoots behind, but I got the done early and my crazy all day meetings at work are finally done, so maybe I’ll not be as worn out soon. I was looking through my stream and noticed that I…


Day 1037 of 365 Again. Mav wasn’t available to take a self-portrait today, so I, the Masked Man, have decided to step in. For wherever there is trouble the Masked Man will be there. Of course my identity must remain anonymous, you understand. 365 days

Full of Grace 2

Full of Grace 2

So Zivity is running a contest for sexy "cliches." Anyone who knows me, knows that I can’t pass up an opportunity for some hot school girl pics, and really what could be more cliche than that, right? So I entered. Twice.

This one is with Sarah(MM#13043), who obviously is one of my favorite models ever and a close dear friend. This was a high concept shoot. I didn’t want to just do the sexy school girl thing that I usually do. I wanted to tell a different kind of story. One of pain. Something dark and gothic. In my head, the Madonna "Like a Prayer" video was playing the entire time we shot it.

Anyway, check out the entire set on zivity. Let me know if you need a trial account.

Full of Grace 1

Full of Grace 1

So Zivity is running a contest for sexy "cliches." Anyone who knows me, knows that I can’t pass up an opportunity for some hot school girl pics, and really what could be more cliche than that, right? So I entered. Twice.

This one is with Sarah(MM#13043), who obviously is one of my favorite models ever and a close dear friend. This was a high concept shoot. I didn’t want to just do the sexy school girl thing that I usually do. I wanted to tell a different kind of story. One of pain. Something dark and gothic. In my head, the Madonna "Like a Prayer" video was playing the entire time we shot it.

Anyway, check out the entire set on zivity. Let me know if you need a trial account.


Day 1026 of 365 Again. Really wanted to take a cool shot today since I "phoned it in" yesterday, but really, I just didn’t have anything in mind, so it was back to defaulting to mean looking shots in the studio. I kind of like this one. Note how I am titled in panel to…



Trix, a wrestling friend of mine, wanted sexy but tasteful pics to sell to her fans so she called me up and we did a shoot. Came up with some really good stuff. Even with no real previous modeling experience i think she did great.



Trix, a wrestling friend of mine, wanted sexy but tasteful pics to sell to her fans so she called me up and we did a shoot. Came up with some really good stuff. Even with no real previous modeling experience i think she did great.


Day 1021 of 365 Again. Guess what I got today? My replacement 50mm lens This time I figured I ought to try it out right away. And what do you know? Works like a charm! Yeah, fascinating, I know. Also, I really need to shave more often. I look like hell. 365 days


Day 1019 of 365 Again. I live in Pittsburgh. If you live in Pittsburgh then you probably know that there was sort of important hockey game on tonight. They even won. You’re probably pretty happy. But even though I’ve lived here nearly half my life, I was actually born in Cleveland. I’m a Cavs fan,…


Day 1015 of 365 Again. Something I used to use my daily shots for a lot was testing lighting techniques. This one is something I want to use for a tarot card eventually, but haven’t found the right model for yet, and really haven’t perfected the style the way I want. I should definitely work…


Day 1008 of 365 Again. This is a ƒ/1.8 50mm fixed lens. It’s actually the third one I’ve owned. I’ve been thinking about investing in a better one (the ƒ/1.4 or even the ƒ/1.2), but honestly, given that I keep breaking them, it’s probably best that I stick with the cheap one. In other photography…


Day 1007 of 365 Again. There’s this guy who promotes his anti-identity theft company by posting his social security number on the web and announcing it in his commercials. It’s proof that he’s secure that his identity can’t be stolen. I have no such belief. In my case, it’s more that I’m just not sure…

Two of Coins

Two of Coins

The problem with taking years to complete a project like my Tarot Deck is that as time goes on I realize how unhappy I am with some of the earlier shots. This means I have to redo them, which means that the project takes even longer to complete.

The old Two of Coins has been on my list to reshoot for a long time, but it wasn’t actually my intention to use Lizz for the reshoot. In fact I had her pegged for the four of staffs, which wasn’t done yet at all. But after we shot that, she ended up liking one of the dresses in my model closet a lot (I have a wardrobe full of outfits for shoots) and once she tried it on, I decided she a great look for this card. Once I had edited it, I really felt like this was totally the way to go. I’m glad I did. Of course now I have to shoot the four of staffs yet again, but I’m pretty sure its worth it.