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Tag: day1

Day 1: 1-1-12

Day 1 of the New Era Once upon a time, I saw a photo by a man named Stephen Poff who was attempting to take a self-portrait every day for an entire year. It inspired me to do the same. Mostly, I just loved the challenge of it. Stephen had admitted that he’d even missed…



so while browsing flickr, I ran across this photo by stephenpoff. I liked it and then started looking at his photostream and then realized that since the 1st of this year he has taken a self-portrait every day and hopes to do the same every day for a year. I immediately decided that I had to do the same.

This is the first one. Taken on the balcony of my hotel room in Warren, PA where Steph and I are vacationing.

Used in LJ post: (for the announcement that I was doing this)