Day 1324 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up… People have been on me to write in my blog more. You know, I really should. I even have a topic in mind. As soon as I get caught up and have some time I’m going to do it too. And when I do, I’ll need…
Day 1122 of 365 Again. I’ve mentioned before that I’m addicted to DVDs. It seems like that’s kind of a safe addiction. I could be addicted to alcohol or cocaine or heroin or something. But DVDs have a problem over drug addiction. SPACE. Dvds take it up. The more you buy the less room you…
Day 59 of 365 days. Here we go. A color photo. You know how some people have problems with cocaine and heroin and stuff? I have this addiction to DVDs. I know. I know. But somehow I just can’t help myself. I started out just experimenting with VHS. The gateway media. And then it was…