Day 1409 of 365 4 lyf. Still catching up. God I suck at this. Ellie was nice enough to pose for a picture with me at her brother’s birthday party. 365 days
Day 1290 of 365 4 lyf. This is Eliana. She’s actually not appeared here very often (only once before, and she’s grown a lot since then). Anyway, today was her birthday, she turned three, and she was nice enough to pose for a picture with me. Aren’t we cute? 365 days
Day 1044 of 365 Again. Meet Eliana. Eliana is Steph’s niece. Today was her older brohter, Ethan’s birthday so we went over to hang out. We were having so much fun that I fell asleep on the couch. What can I say. I’ve been tired. Anyway, Steph woke me up after about 30 min. of…