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Tag: explore

Twin Sisters

Twin Sisters

Amaya had this crazy notion of working with something like 1,642,334,563,434,278 photographers in 48 hours during her roadtrip. I was the absolute last on the list. She was dead tired by the time she got to me, but I’m still pretty pleased with how the pics turned out.


Day 286 of 365 days. I haven’t felt the slightest bit creative all day. This was the first day in 286 that I really just couldn’t care less about photography or 365 or anything. I was just completely burnt out. I’ve been working pretty hard on the Tarot Project lately. I’ve finished several new cards.…


Day 282 of 365 days. So there I am, minding my own business, working on a shoot for the tarot project when all of a sudden, my studio was invaded by KGB shock troops who didn’t know the Cold War ended twenty years ago. There was much torture and pressure involved, utilizing a can of…

Craig Street Bum

Craig Street Bum

For the Class with Dave group.

Assignment: "The Street" in B&W – Your portrayal of life on the street. Photos must be black & white.

This is the Craig Street Bum. He is what I can best term, a professional homeless man. In one month, I will have lived in Pittsburgh for 15 years. For this entire time, this man has been stationed on Craig Street between Forbes and Fifth Avenue. He sometimes moves from one side of the street to the other. He is never there at night. But every day, rain or shine, whenever I am on Craig Street he is there, perched on his milk crate, with a cup in front of him begging for change. I have often wondered if he is really homeless or not. Not to be callous, but you’d think after 15 years he’d either be back on his feet or would have died. I don’t very often see people giving him change (I think most passers by are aware that he is simply there every day) but he clearly changes his clothes from time to time, despite having "the homeless look." If you pay close attention you’ll even notice that his Nikes are newer than mine.

Maybe I should give the panhandling thing a try.


Day 262 of 365 days. So I got the letter I had been dreading today. I’ve spent the last couple months interviewing over and over again with one company. Actually, I’ve interviewed with several companies for the last couple months, but I kept getting called back to one. They told me in no uncertain terms…

XVIII – The Moon

XVIII - The Moon

The fourth completed card in my tarot card series.

Mallory as the Moon. I had originally envisioned this as a card where she was standing and looking at the moon, but as we were shooting yesterday, she got tired of standing and wanted to shoot some sitting down. I really loved her head placement in this one and the arch of her back. I think the facial expression is perfect for what I wanted to convey.

The biggest thing I am unsure of is the placement of the moon. When I took the pic of the moon last week, I really had envisioned her looking at it, not away, but I do feel as though it kind of works how it is. Not positive though.


Day 258 of 365 days. So I had a photoshoot scheduled for today, but the model called me a couple hours before and let me know that she was having car problems and wouldn’t be able to come. We had to reschedule for next week. That pretty much left the rest of my day open.…


Day 256 of 365 days. Part of me wonders if I am starting to lose my mind without having a day job. I was at every end of the multidimensional extreme today. I had about an hour of misery and uselessness as I fell into despair thinking I’m never going to find anything to pay…


Day 250 of 365 days. I really only had one goal today. I wanted to go to an arcade and get a shot of me playing pinball. I love pinball. I used to have a Twilight Zone machine in my living room. Years ago, my car broke down and I had to sell it, because…


Day 242 of 365 days. What with being constantly sick and then having a trip to that conference in Boston and then being constantly sick again, it occurred to me that I really hadn’t done anything superinteresting or fun for this project in a while. In a lot of ways I felt like I was…


Day 235 of 365 days. I’ve done long exposure shots before, even in this project, so I was really hoping to use this weeks Class With Dave assignment to do something else, but I haven’t had the time what with working on my paper (I’ve gotten it "complete." Tomorrow is for editing and turning it…


Day 230 of 365 days. One of the nice things about the Class with Dave group is that it forces me to get off my ass and do different shots. I actually thought of this one weeks ago, but just never got around to it. But this week with a health and fitness assignment, I…


Day 226 of 365 days. You know, I almost want to call this a bringing sexy back pic? What do you people think? I got to sleep in today. It was nice and I needed it. After I finally did get up, I did a little bit of the moving from our current bedroom to…