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Tag: explore



In order to get my official cool kid designation for the Class With Dave group, I had to actually do all three assignments (last week, I cheated and did all four assignments in one picture). This was the first picture I thought of when we got the new assignments, but I didn’t get around to taking it til today.

I love clementines. They’re like eating little baby oranges. Baby versions of food are always so good. Baby Corn. Veal. Clementines. I wonder if I can get baby chocolate somewhere.


Day 164 of 365 days. Sometimes I like my backup ideas better than the initial plans. A couple days ago, a company that sales water purifiers called me and asked if I’d allow them to come to our house and test our water and give us a sales pitch. In return, they’d give us a…


Day 163 of 365 days. Ok, this will probably be the geekiest thing I ever do in this 365 day project. I spent a lot of time playing video games yesterday, and I started thinking "I haven’t done a big massive photoshoppy picture in a while. I’ll have to do one soon." Then I went…


Day 161 of 365 days. Wow. I never noticed how much darker my face was than my hands before. I wonder if that’s normal. I had a wrestling show tonight. Unlike my last show, which was 4 hours away, this one is only 30 minutes away. The problem was that I just didn’t feel like…


Day 154 of 365 days. Weird thing about the way we treat ourselves. I’ve been trying really hard to whip myself into shape. If I made a New Year’s resolution that’s probably it. I’ve been working out every day, trying to dump about 13 pounds (I’m down 8 since Jan. 1). I’ve also sort of…


Day 149 of 365 days. This may be my favorite outfit ever. Why? Because most people probably don’t realize that Osh Kosh Bgosh makes grown-up sized overalls. Well they do, and they’re damned comfortable too. I had a conversation recently about why grown up women are sexy when they dress like little girls. (school girl…


Day 145 of 365 days. When I first started this project I had very real concerns as to whether or not I’d be able to hit every single day for a year. I was very much afraid that I would conk out and just stop caring after a week. Now, 145 days in, taking a…


Day 139 of 365 days. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Maverick knows. The creative process is an interesting thing. I actually set out to make a black and white with this shot. I placed my lights so that I’d have nice heavy darks and hard contrast with my backdrop.…


Day 138 of 365 days. I’ve actually had an idea for a cool long exposure, playing with light picture since very early on in this project. Its been written down on my idea white board. This is not it. I don’t want to attempt it until I’m sure I can pull it off exactly the…


Day 130 of 365 days. I’ve had a monster headache most of the day today. Honestly I considered just tossing a lame backup shot as the picture for today, but since I kind of had a cop out picture yesterday, I decided that i really needed to put something good on today. Then I realized.…


Day 122 of 365 days. Yep, I’m definitely getting sick. Oh well. Today marks the completion of one third of this project. I wanted to mark it with something dynamic. I actually came up with this idea a couple days ago, but wanted to save it til today to mark the occasion. I’m glad I…


Day 111 of 365 days. So far, I had more or less gone out of my way to not really repeat ideas for the entire year. But I got to thinking last night that really, the vast majority of my self-portraits (and everyone else in the world’s portraits for that matter) amount to "here’s a…


Day 110 of 365 days. Today, I am 30% of the way through this project. In some ways it feels like I just started and in other ways it feels like I’ve always been doing this. Wanted to play with something different today, so I opted to see what I could do with my new…


Day 105 of 365 days. Believe it or not, this is not a computer generated image. It is in fact a self portrait of me. I was looking for something different to do and then I started thinking about the picture from Stephen Poff that got me started in the 365 days journey in the…


Day 102 of 365 days. Sometimes during this project one of those days comes along where I just really want to show a mundane part of my life. This is about as mundane as it gets. I got a call from a customer service telemarketer type. You know the ones, "Hello Mr. Maverick, we’d like…