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Tag: explore


Day 100 of 365 days. One hundred days. Never would have thought I’d make it that far. Wanted to do something special that might stand out a bit in order to commemerate it. I hope this fits the bill. I noticed that I hadn’t been doing as much photoshop gimmickery lately, and part of me…


Day 95 of 365 days. One of the most fun things about being a pro-wrestler isn’t exactly obvious. Every year, around this time, a new version of the video game "Smackdown vs. Raw" comes out. Its a wrestling game. And it has the best feature of any video game in the world. You can design…


Day 90 of 365 days. I actually screwed up yesterday. Without paying attention, I actually posted two pictures of my hand in a row. I actually had gone out of my way to keep from doing stuff like that. Oh well. In any case, I decided it was time to mix things up and that’s…


Day 85 of 365 days. If yesterday’s picture was all about black, then today’s picture is all about white. I wanted to try something different than what I normally do. It’s an interesting effect and one that I might want to play with more at some point, but I don’t know that its for pictures…


Day 84 of 365 days. If I titled my 365 days photos with anything other than just the date, I’d probably call this one Cloak of Darkness or something like that. Didn’t really have any grand ideas for today (unlike yesterday’s Kiss photo, which I had actually come up with a couple weeks ago, but…


Day 83 of 365 days. Today was the 8th anniversary of my first date with Steph. We celebrate it as any married couple would celebrate their anniversary. Its just that we never really bothered to get married. We’re quite content to just be living in sin. Really, we’ll fix that any day now. Anyway, we…


Day 80 of 365 days. The best part about Halloween is the candy. Ok, not really, the best part is getting to play dress up. The second best part is the candy. No wait, that’s wrong too. The very bestest part of Halloween is the parties when girls can dress like a total slut and…


Day 78 of 365 days. I’m just a little tad hungover. So today (well yesterday, by the time I posted this) was my Halloween party. Halloween Jam 2006. As with very costume party I ever throw, its my tradition to change outfits during the party and have multiple costumes. For 2006 I decided to portray…


Day 76 of 365 days. Decided it was time to go in a slightly different direction here. After all, the whole point is to push myself as an artist, right? So I got to thinking, what would be interesting that I have never tried before. And right there, Andy Warhol popped into my head. It…


Day 68 of 365 days. Ever since I started this project, I had the idea that sooner or later I wanted to do a picture where I cloned myself. They’ve been quite popular on Flickr lately. But I didn’t want to do one just for the sake of doing one. I wanted to make sure…


Day 63 of 365 days. I didn’t really have a good idea for today until I saw Rachel Sian mention her mini-challenge, and realized, "Wow, it is Friday the 13th!" She said she wanted us to portray "bad luck" in some manner. Well, I figure this is about as bad luck as you’re likely to…


Day 60 of 365 days. Back to black and white photos. Another Tuesday date night for steph and I. This time at Piper’s Pub, a little Scottish place on the Southside of Pittsburgh. If I had this shot to take over again, I’d probably adjust Steph’s ring so tht it was pointing more out towards…


Day 52 of 365 days. I was a big fan of making these for a while, but I never really shot one with a person in it. Much less myself in a self portrait. The trick is to stand really still for both shots. I admit, I had to ask Steph for assistance here. I…


Day 51 of 365 days. Had a wrestling show today in Ohio for Black Diamond Wrestling (BDW). This was the first time my entire stable (that’s wrestling talk for a team, basically) was together. Took a team photo to commemorate. From left to right we have Johnny Matthews (our manager), Me, Dangerous Damien Kass, Natasha…


Day 48 of 365 days. Won my nightly poker game in record time and then I was just sitting up watching TV (I don’t sleep much) and when midnight hit, I decided to get a jump on todays self portrait. I was especially eager since what I had planned seemed like it was going to…