ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: explore


Day 46 of 365 days. I actually had a half baked idea of doing this a couple weeks ago, but I never really knew where to go with it. Then randomly, sadandbeautiful went and made her own version last week which impressed me quite a bit and made me want to make sure that I…


Day 45 of 365 days. As much as I like the 400D better than my old G3, I gotta say that its a lot easier to take a self portrait with the older camera. I never really used the LCD screen when photographing other stuff, but it was always useful if I wanted to shoot…


Day 38 of 365 days. I had been wanting to take a shot featuring all of my tattoos at some point and when Pi c’s suggested a birthmark challenge it seemed like as good a time as any. These are the various symbols that adorn my body, the dates I got them, and what they…


Day 27 of 365 days. So this was something I have been wanting to try since I did the Sun Sword picture a few days ago. Kind of a Human Torch inspired thing. The final result here wasn’t actually what I was originally envisioning, but I kind of like the effect. More or less anyway.…


Day 22 of 365 days. Ok, the fact that I’ve spent the last 3 hours since midnight doing this and I’m so excited about it is just a testament to how geeky I really am at heart. *sigh* So I actually had this idea about 3 days ago when I was predicting the end of…


Day 20 of 365 days. I didn’t know for sure what I wanted to do with today’s photo, but I knew I didn’t want it to be sleep related. About 3 or 4 days into this whole process, I had the idea that perhaps when it was done I might put together a coffee table…


Day 19 of 365 days. This is kind of another high concept piece. I had this idea yesterday, when I woke up and took the second half of my self-portrait. There I had before and after sleep, but how did that transition take place. To find out I did a little experiment. What we have…


Day 16 of 365 days. So I walk up to the local cigarette store to take a picture in front of the "MAVERICK" brand cigarettes sign. Something I’ve been meaning to do for a week now. And then as I’m walking back home and walking down the hill I come up with this other idea…


Day 10 of 365 days. And back to silly artistic wankery. I actually had this idea a couple days ago, but it wasn’t til tonight that I really felt like going into my basement and playing a solo game of pool. There were a couple shots that I really liked and I couldn’t make up…


Day 8 of 365 days. I can’t believe I’m in the second week and still going strong. I have a wrestling show today and I’ve been wanting to find some way to take a picture of myself while I’m in the ring, but I haven’t figured out a good way to do it. Sure, I…


Day 6 of 365 days. I really liked this idea but it never took off the way i wanted it to. I started working on it too late and I worked on it up to 11:59 and then stopped because I like to keep it real, dammit. In any case, the effect is neat and…


Day 2 of my experimenting with 365 days. I have now created a Flickr pool where many other people are trying the project as well. If you’re interested, please see 365 days. I was sitting around thinking "what am i gonna do today?" and I had this idea based on drawings of the superhero Captain…



so while browsing flickr, I ran across this photo by stephenpoff. I liked it and then started looking at his photostream and then realized that since the 1st of this year he has taken a self-portrait every day and hopes to do the same every day for a year. I immediately decided that I had to do the same.

This is the first one. Taken on the balcony of my hotel room in Warren, PA where Steph and I are vacationing.

Used in LJ post: (for the announcement that I was doing this)