ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: feet


Day 453 of 365 More. Here’s how my brain works. I’m actually not as into this project as I used to be. I lost my fascination with it ages ago. I don’t daydream about it. I don’t obsess over getting a specific shot every day. At this point, its pure inertia that gets me through…


Day 216 of 365 days. The kids have been wearing these crazy shoes lately with roller skates built in. There have even been a few news stories about them (don’t let your kids wear Heelys, they’ll bust their skulls). I’ve seen 8-year-olds zipping around the mall on them from time to time in the last…


Day 205 of 365 days. Generally I don’t really like to repeat the same basic shot two days in a row (unless I plan ahead for a good reason, like with my day 182 and day 183 shots), but the dichotomy of today just made this too perfect. Yesterday I was in a room of…


Day 204 of 365 days. Witness the grandmother of all back up shots. It was a pretty long day. First I got a rejection letter in the mail for a job that claims I interviewed well, but I don’t remember even applying for, much less interviewing for. From there, Steph and I went to Gina’s…


Day 166 of 365 days. A really long day with not a lot of time to do a lot of anything. I didn’t even get to work out. I’m going to have to make that up tomorrow. Anyway, after a long day where I didn’t even remember to eat dinner (going to go fix that…


Day 124 of 365 days. And its officially the Christmas season. I’ve actually been doing my gift shopping for weeks now, but today I wrapped my first present. Tomorrow is the IWC Christmas party when I will do a gift exchange with some of my wrestling friends. I suppose when I get my first present…


Day 109 of 365 days. It’s been a while since Steph co-starred in a self portrait with me. I had this idea tonight. We had earlier done a picture of our hands together back on day 60, so why not do one of our feet? A fitting tribute to date night, I think. If I…



These are proofs for the shoot shiima and I did for our website. Let me know what you think? Better copies may be posted once they are photoshopped, cropped, etc… so give me suggestions there as well, if you like.