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Tag: female

sarah locker room 1

sarah locker room 1

Tomorrow is the last game of the regular season. We already know that the Steelers are in the playoffs, but even still, it seems worth celebrating the last game. So to do so, I thought I’d post some of the pictures from my photoshoot with Sarah from a week ago.

In true guerilla photography style, Sarah and I snuck some studio lights into a private locker room on a college campus. And snuck me in, I should say, as it was a woman’s locker room, and then did a pin-up style shoot that she’d been dying to do.

The ultimate in cheesy cliche sports modeling. But you know what… I kinda like them.

More to come.

Dyllan Singing

Dyllan Singing

Did a shoot with Dyllan today. She needed some promo pics to go with her demo CD, and of course she will be appearing in the tarot deck as soon as I get around to editing the pic I’m going to use for the card. In the meantime, here’s a taste of things to come

Five of Coins

Five of Coins

It’s been a while since I posted a new tarot card. I just hadn’t been doing them. Partly I needed a break, and partly I just hadn’t been doing shoots in general or those in specific. But I did get one done with Marlo during her shoot.

This is actually one of the earliest ideas I had. When I realized I wanted to use dead and hurt people for the five cards, I decided that I had to do the old tradition of placing coins over the eyes for the coin card. And then when I found out Marlo had a wedding dress, the whole thing just came together.

Somehow, I like the juxtaposition of a wedding and a funeral at the same time. Somehow to me, nothing says worry like a bride who has died in her wedding dress, still holding the bouquet.



I am quite happy with this card. When I came up with the concept while talking to Rachael, we were both kind of excited about it. In fact, talking about the card with her was the entire thing that inspired me to take her, Laurie and Amaya on the river shoot.

That said, I was kind of nervous about it. I was quite confident that taking pictures of three gorgeous girls nude, in an absolutely gorgeous mountain river setting during golden hour would turn out great. What I was worried about, however was doing a tarot card outside of the studio setting. From the very beginning of this project, I had intended to do every shot in the studio so that I could have visual consistency in the style. But I had taken pictures at the waterfall before and I was pretty sure I could blacken it and process it to the level that would make it look the way I wanted. Especially with golden hour lighting.

I’m quite happy with how it turned out and hope that it matches the other cards well enough. I wonder if I’ll end up doing any other cards outside.

And of course comments and criticism welcome.

Rachael with parasol b&w

Rachael with parasol b&w

Amaya had the idea of doing a nude photoshoot down at one of her favorite spots in West Virginia. So I took Rachael and Laurie down there to do the shoot with her.

We got there at the crack of dawn to catch golden hour light which provided some amazing results in my opinion.

This is actually one of my favorite shots I’ve ever taken, I think. The problem with being "an artist" is that no matter how much other people like your work, you’re always your own toughest critic. There’s usually tons I don’t like about any given picture I take. This one on the other hand makes me feel like I might actually have a smidgen of talent.

More to come

Five of Swords

Five of Swords

I’ve been amazed at how well received the Maverick Tarot project has been. I’ve actually heard from any number of people who want to be a part of it, some as far away as Iowa.

Tiffini wrote me on myspace saying she’d seen a link to my Model Mayhem profile and wanted to be a part of the project. She’d never modeled before, but when has that ever stopped me. And besides, she was excited to give modeling a try. She told me she’d be visiting friends in Pittsburgh soon, and so I figured I’d have to fit her in while she was here. It’s tricky trying to place a model having not met her in person, and when she doesn’t have really good professional shots to give me a feel for her look, but I was able to gauge from other shots that I might want to try her for my five of swords. Defeat. My five cards are all injured or dead people. And it took some playing around but I think I got the look I wanted with this one. And she didn’t even mind me getting "blood" all over her nice white skirt!