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Tag: female



It’s been a tarot filled day. This is the last card I have completed (and shot for that matter) and since I don’t yet have any shoots scheduled this week (that may change) this may be the last one for a while.

This is also the first time in the deck that I have resorted to using stock footage. I have been against it for the most part, preferring to only use my own images, but I don’t seem to have a way of getting far enough out into the atmosphere to get a decent earth picture, so I was forced to rely on NASA to do it for me. The image is of course public domain. But still, it would have been nice to only use my own images. I suppose I could have left the background empty on this card, but I kind of felt like the four astronomy cards (World, Moon, Sun, Star) worked better with mild backgound elements. So the compromise is there.

Mallory’s back

Mallory's back

Did a photoshoot with Shiima and Mallory today. These are the first three shots I finished from it. More to come, including two new tarot cards. Would love to hear people’s thoughts.

Mallory is a friend of Shiima’s and an asipring makeup artist. She did both her and Shiima’s makeup for this shoot, which I think turned out well. She’s also really cute. Yay for really cute.

Gina Silhouette

Gina Silhouette

Did a photo shoot with my nine month pregnant friend Gina the other day. I haven’t edited most of the photos yet (I’m still working on editing the pics from the shoot before it) but I wanted to use this one for Class with Dave.

Anyway, Gina wanted nice artsy pictures of herself while pregnant. And since the baby is due any day now, it seemed like we should get them done sooner rather than later.

The class with Dave assignment was to create a backlit silhouette. And Gina wanted one anyway, it all worked out perfectly.

Theresea, coy

Theresea, coy

Did a photoshoot with Theresa the other day. It was the first time she modeled for me (or anyone) but I think she did great. She’s quite animated and about the friendliest person ever.

The final outfit from the shoot was borrowed from me. Theresa has a very tomboyish look that is adorable and sexy at the same time. So I let her borrow my basketball jersey and a pair of boxers. I think it worked out quite well for her. I’m not giving up on lingerie, but this was a nice switch for a change.

Outfit 4/4

Theresa glancing

Theresa glancing

Did a photoshoot with Theresa the other day. It was the first time she modeled for me (or anyone) but I think she did great. She’s quite animated and about the friendliest person ever.

The final outfit from the shoot was borrowed from me. Theresa has a very tomboyish look that is adorable and sexy at the same time. So I let her borrow my basketball jersey and a pair of boxers. I think it worked out quite well for her. I’m not giving up on lingerie, but this was a nice switch for a change.

Outfit 4/4

Theresa in bed

Theresa in bed

Did a photoshoot with Theresa the other day. It was the first time she modeled for me (or anyone) but I think she did great. She’s quite animated and about the friendliest person ever.

The final outfit from the shoot was borrowed from me. Theresa has a very tomboyish look that is adorable and sexy at the same time. So I let her borrow my basketball jersey and a pair of boxers. I think it worked out quite well for her. I’m not giving up on lingerie, but this was a nice switch for a change.

Outfit 4/4

Theresa with pillows

Theresa with pillows

Did a photoshoot with Theresa the other day. It was the first time she modeled for me (or anyone) but I think she did great. She’s quite animated and about the friendliest person ever.

The final outfit from the shoot was borrowed from me. Theresa has a very tomboyish look that is adorable and sexy at the same time. So I let her borrow my basketball jersey and a pair of boxers. I think it worked out quite well for her. I’m not giving up on lingerie, but this was a nice switch for a change.

Outfit 4/4

Theresa Eyes

Theresa Eyes

Did a photoshoot with Theresa the other day. It was the first time she modeled for me (or anyone) but I think she did great. She’s quite animated and about the friendliest person ever.

The final outfit from the shoot was borrowed from me. Theresa has a very tomboyish look that is adorable and sexy at the same time. So I let her borrow my basketball jersey and a pair of boxers. I think it worked out quite well for her. I’m not giving up on lingerie, but this was a nice switch for a change.

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