ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: finger


Day 758 of 365 Again. It’s that time again. That time when the days get a little brighter. That time when the world gives us just a little glimmer to hope for. A reason to get up every morning. A reason to carry on. It’s football season. The Steelers won today. They are now 1-0.…

A Taste of Virginia

A Taste of Virginia

Still trying to catch up on photoshoots. This is from a week ago, my very first shoot with Virginia, and her first time modeling. I couldn’t be happier with what we came up with, and can’t wait to work with her again.

In particular, this is one of my favorite shots in a very very long time

Lots more to come…



Day 697 of 365 More.

Where does the time go?

Lately, I’ve been waiting later and later to start even thinking about 365. And a lot of the time I am so busy I really can’t come up with anything interesting.

Especially on days which I’m working on the comic, which is really a minimum of about four nights a week. I just end up coming home from work and drawing, writing or coloring all day. Next thing i know, it’s like a quarter to 11 and I haven’t even thought about my shot. So I take something quick and get back to work and the next thin I know its quarter after two and I haven’t posted yet.

Honestly, I’m loving it. I have wanted to do a comic since I was seven years old, and even though Hellcats isn’t as popular as I’d like it to be, its still been a blast and pretty rewarding.

I just wish other parts of my life didn’t have to suffer so much to make it happen. Seriously, if I could just sell more copies of the book or get like a few hundred daily viewers looking at the banner ads, then maybe someday I could make enough money that that could be my day job.

And I wouldn’t end up with 365 photos like this.


365 days



Day 670 of 365 More.

I am a patriot.

I have saved the economy.

At the behest of our fearless leader, I have used the recently issued bribe, errr… that is… stimulus check to revitalize the economy by buying even more photography lights. They should be here in a week or so. I mean, I really didn’t want to. But, I feel that it’s the least I can do for the sake of this great nation.

Besides, I’m going to need all the lights I can get once I destroy the sun.

In other news, new episodes of both the podcast and Cosmic Hellcats are up. Go check them out!

365 days


Day 483 of 365 More. Whenever you see a picture of my finger like this, one can usually assume that I’m bragging about my name being in print somewhere or something like that. 66 years ago, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, dragging America into WWII. Two and a half years ago some friends…


Day 471 of 365 More. We need new couches. The ones we have in our media room right now predate the Carter administration I think. I got them back in 94 when I lived with Jameel because his mother wanted get rid of them because she had had them forever. When Jameel moved out, he…


Day 316 of 365 days. So its been a while since I’ve really had a wrestling picture in my 365 set. This one isn’t really exactly a wrestling picture, but I thought it was worth noting. What you are looking at here is page 64 of this month’s Pro Wrestling Illustrated which lists the results…


Day 88 of 365 days. Today is mid term election day in the United States, and the first time I used an electronic touch screen voting machine. Due to a particular technicality of Ohio (where I used to live) law, I have been voting in elections since I was 17 years old. The law stated…