Day 667 of 365 More.
So here’s something a little different. I took this picture today, but its actually representative of what I did on Friday. Today, I didn’t really do anything superinteresting. I shot the podcast with Stephen. worked on Hellcats, which will be up at midnight, and worked on cleaning my pool.
I wish I had done the pool a week ago. It’s been in the 90s here the last few days and it would have been really nice to jump in. But no dice. Another day or two of chemical balancing and it will be set though.
Anyway, nothing I felt like taking a picture of, so instead I thought I’d talk about one of my favorite activities. BARE-AOKE! I’ve mentioned it here before. It’s Karaoke, at a strip club! One of the best things ever. It’s just like Karaoke anywhere else, a bunch of drunken losers, standing on stage, belting out out of tune renditions of pop and rock songs, with no cohesive style between them, so even if someone is good, which they’re usually not, you’re left wondering why "My Way" was followed by "Baby Got Back". But, to make it more tolerable, at this club, there are naked ladies dancing around you while you sing. It’s the best thing ever. Even if you don’t like strip clubs. It’s just so ridiculous and surreal that you can’t help but love it. Plus the deejay, DJ Marty, is just awesome.
Friday they were celebrating one of my favorite strippers’, Pinky’s, birthday. So I ended up singing her favorite song of mine, Prince’s Darling Nikki to her while she danced for me. Actually everyone loves when I do Darling Nikki. It’s my best karaoke performance. I got a standing ovation, and won myself a couple free passes from the bartender/manager, just because she liked it.
So you know, if anyone wants to go sing in front of some strippers one of these Friday nights, I’m in.
365 days