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Tag: fingers


Day 299 of 365 days. Tiring day. Hung out with Steph in the morning, then took her to get her rental car so she could drive to DC on business for the rest of the week. That leaves me with pretty much nothing to do. For the rest of the night. I was going to…


Day 278 of 365 days. Two days in a row and not a studio shot. It’s been a while since I did that. Finished and posted another tarot card, today. The Queen of Staffs. Then I had a another photoshoot for the tarot deck. I have one tomorrow evening and possibly one in the morning,…


Day 266 of 365 days. So all this week I’ve been telling a continuing story of what my life has been like on the road as a drifter. I was intending to finish that story today. Unfortunately I didn’t have a really good idea. I was wishing I knew someone with a barn. I wanted…


Day 258 of 365 days. So I had a photoshoot scheduled for today, but the model called me a couple hours before and let me know that she was having car problems and wouldn’t be able to come. We had to reschedule for next week. That pretty much left the rest of my day open.…


Day 205 of 365 days. Generally I don’t really like to repeat the same basic shot two days in a row (unless I plan ahead for a good reason, like with my day 182 and day 183 shots), but the dichotomy of today just made this too perfect. Yesterday I was in a room of…


Day 204 of 365 days. Witness the grandmother of all back up shots. It was a pretty long day. First I got a rejection letter in the mail for a job that claims I interviewed well, but I don’t remember even applying for, much less interviewing for. From there, Steph and I went to Gina’s…


Day 197 of 365 days. Gotta love technology. Went to a violin recital with Steph and her family to see her nephew play. At the risk of sounding like an ass, let me say what the biggest problem with kids recitals is. They’re not really that good. I mean sure some of the kids are…


Day 195 of 365 days. I got home very late last night from that old lady’s house that I mentioned yesterday. I wish someone had warned me about her. She wanted to do unspeakable things. Just unspeakable! Anyway, it was another productive day for FUNemployed Mav. I talked to a couple different recruiters about jobs.…

Theresa quotes

Theresa quotes

Did a photoshoot with Theresa the other day. It was the first time she modeled for me (or anyone) but I think she did great. She’s quite animated and about the friendliest person ever.

These first four from the set are in the clothes she showed up in. I like to spend sometime talking to each model and just relating and being friendly. It’s the first part of getting natural emotions.

So here she’s telling me a story while posing. Complete with air quotes.

Outfit 1/4


Day 175 of 365 days. It was a very busy day and so I had to resort to a last minute back up shot. Slept in, after not being able to sleep last night and spent the day dealing with other things. I did work out and still made it to wrestling practice. Go me…

Damsel hands

Damsel hands

The other day, I did a photoshoot with the lovely and talented Liz. It was the first time I shot her, but she did a great job and I can’t wait to do it again.

I’ve decided to start posting the photos as I finish them instead of waiting for the entire set to be done.

Outfit 3/4


Day 172 of 365 days. Kind of a boring day. I ran some errands and then did work around the house. Did some cleaning. Shoveled the snow. Did some painting in the attic. Then had dinner with Steph. I actually took this as my backup shot for today and then mere moments later I had…


Day 130 of 365 days. I’ve had a monster headache most of the day today. Honestly I considered just tossing a lame backup shot as the picture for today, but since I kind of had a cop out picture yesterday, I decided that i really needed to put something good on today. Then I realized.…


Day 129 of 365 days. I had to make a CD of some of my design work for a job I applied for. They want to do a portfolio review. I was hoping to get a clearer reflection of myself in the CD but oh well. Like I said, I’m trying to be a little…


Day 113 of 365 days. Two days in a row with two backup pictures. Had a very busy day. Spent the morning painting the attic with Steph and then this evening went to Jill’s birthday dinner. I actually did take some pictures there but mostly other people. Actually took this one at her place while…