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Tag: hand


Day 925 of 365 Again. You know, you’d think on a weekend I’d take my time to do a really cool picture. Not this guy. Actually I spent half the day cleaning house and then I went shopping. Exciting, huh? Actually, it is just a little exciting, because I finally picked up an 8-port ethernet…


Day 920 of 365 Again. I’ve really slacked off this winter. I’ve barely exercised at all, and I have a growing gut to prove it. This isn’t exactly a new thing, I do it in the winter a lot, but never this bad. I’ve just got so much going on lately that I’m not left…


Day 916 of 365 Again. I really just wanted a chance to do something cool I’ve felt like my self-portraits weren’t much of anything lately. I just wanted to do something creative and I started thinking of something weird to do. It turned into kind of a magical/superhero thing I guess. Big surprise. Anyway, it…


Day 911 of 365 Again. Today was my grandmother’s funeral. I skipped it, as I always do. I’m told the service was nice. After the funeral, the rest of the family came back to the hotel and we watched a video slideshow I put together at my mother’s request. What I didn’t know is that…


Day 898 of 365 Again. Ok, yes I am offcially sick as a dog. Today as horrible. I slept in til like 3. This is something I never ever ever do. But I really needed it. The only reason I even got up then was that I knew i needed to work on Hellcats. Thank…


Day 896 of 365 Again. It’s the end of the week. Thank god. I swear. I was so not prepared to work a full week after my vacation. I almost didn’t make it. Between being sick and just being out of the working mode, I’m exhausted. I know I was constantly worried when I was…


Day 881 of 365 Again. Where oh were has the inspiration gone. I really need to work on it. There used to be so much time in the day to be creative, but now I never feel like I have time for anything. That said, Steph and I went out to poker night tonight for…


Day 865 of 365 Again. Yeah yeah yeah… I know… two lame hand pics in a row. But it was a long day. I went out and finished the last of my Christmas shopping. Then Steph and I spent the night wrapping everything. Then I even got a little work done on the next Hellcats,…


Day 861 of 365 Again. Christmas shopping is tiring. I’m almost done though. I can’t really say I hate Christmas shopping, because I don’t. In fact, I kinda like the whole process. I just don’t like the mad rush at the end, where you’re trying to make sure you have everything and trying to get…


Day 858 of 365 Again. Another day, a little better. Got the replacement power cable for my dying hard drive today. Crossed my fingers ad plugged it in, hoping that maybe everything would be better. It was… Well, a little. The drive is still dying. It still won’t stay up for very long, but I…


Day 851 of 365 Again. Worked on trying to fix the drive all night. Nothing worked. At this point I’m tired of screwing with it. At least for now. I did buy a replacement for it, but I’m beginning to seriously fear that the data itself is lost forever. I may start killing people soon.…


Day 822 of 365 Again. Ow. The problem with wrestling is that I’m old. Oh so very old. I still enjoy it, otherwise I wouldn’t do it, but man am I sore the next day. Yesterday, I was in a Battle Royal and then I was in a tag team triple threat match. When I…


Day 821 of 365 Again. Note to all grocery store owners. Jelly is not Jam. Jam is a yummy fruit product that is full fo all of nature’s goodness and wonder. Jelly is a travesty. Please do not mix them together. Please do not think that because there are 100 jars of jelly on the…


Day 819 of 365 Again. Oh that’s right. I’m an artist. I used to draw stuff. Sometimes I forget. A coworker of mine asked me to design a cartoon logo for a side project of his some months ago. But I’ve been so busy with other stuff that I’ve never been able to get to…


Day 818 of 365 Again. My new camera got here today. This is as excited as I’ve been about anything in a while. The Olympus Stylus 1030SW. Waterproof to 33 feet. Rated for 6.5 foot drops, 220 pounds of crushing force or -10 C temperatures. What more could you want in a camera? Ok, it…