ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: hand


Day 812 of 365 Again. So, way back in January, I filmed my second major Hollywood motion picture. And by filmed I mean, I got paid to basically sit around and do nothing while Kevin Smith made a movie around me. It was actually pretty neat. That movie came out today, so of course I…


Day 811 of 365 Again. Here’s the tough part of parties. Cleaning. In fact, the cleaning before the party is so much harder than the cleaning after. Steph and I have both been so busy lately that we’ve kind of neglected the house. And now we’re paying the price. At least I’m not waiting til…


Day 801 of 365 Again. Halloween is my favorite holiday. Every year I have a big party and spend months making an elaborate costume. Or at least usually. This year I didn’t plan ahead. I’ve just been too busy. I decided a few days ago that i was still going to have a party but…


Day 799 of 365 Again. Many years ago, when I was a young man, I decided to make a nice big list of things that I should do before I died. I’m about half-way through it, which is pretty good, but lately I’ve felt like I should be stepping it up a bit. Today, my…


Day 782 of 365 Again. Sigh… one of those days. Overslept and was late for work. Was supposed to have a photoshoot after work. That didn’t happen. I’m burnt out, tired, depressed and just generally need a break. I need a vacation, or at the very least a long weekend packed full of drunken sex…


Day 777 of 365 Again. You know, you’d think that day 777 would be lucky. Not so much. Oh well. Today was the first presidential debate for this election. The presidential debates are like my favorite time of year. Sure, you don’t really learn anything interesting because if you’re paying attention you pretty much already…


Day 764 of 365 Again. You know, I did very little today and yet I’m very tired. Slept in, then got up and drove to Wheeling for a wrestling show. A very short match, but had a lot of fun, then I drove home. Once I got here I was exhausted. I really don’t get…

Scralett ecstasy 2

Scralett ecstasy 2

Only one photoshoot behind. Woohoo. I’ll b caught up in no time.

This is Scarlett. She drove up from West Virginia to be part of the Tarot set.

These three pole dancing pics are alternate views of for the Eight of Staffs card which more and more I am not liking as I look at it. The feeling of it just isn’t right. So I’m looking for opinions. Which of these three best fits the mood of the other tarot cards and still convey’s "swiftness" (i’d still have to over saturate it to match the other staff cards and digitally add a tattoo).

More to come.

Scralett ecstasy

Scralett ecstasy

Only one photoshoot behind. Woohoo. I’ll b caught up in no time.

This is Scarlett. She drove up from West Virginia to be part of the Tarot set.

These three pole dancing pics are alternate views of for the Eight of Staffs card which more and more I am not liking as I look at it. The feeling of it just isn’t right. So I’m looking for opinions. Which of these three best fits the mood of the other tarot cards and still convey’s "swiftness" (i’d still have to over saturate it to match the other staff cards and digitally add a tattoo).

More to come.


Day 724 of 365 More. Crap… So I was actually having a decent day. Work was long and annoying, but productive. Work can be like that. But then once I got home, I had a nice dinner with Steph, a pretty good workout and got some new photos of Virginia editted (including one of my…


Day 713 of 365 More. This is totally gonna suck. Like way huge massive suck. I have to get up ass early in the morning tomorrow. I set the clock for 5:30, but I kinda think I should move it 15 min. earlier just in case. And it’s almost midnight and I’m not asleep yet.…



Day 688 of 365 More.

How much is petrol? 82 million a gallon? Fuck this machine!

I’ve been looking for a new car. For those who don’t know, I drive a 97 Blazer. To be generous, one might say its on its last leg. I have a oil leak problem that no one can figure out. I broke off my passenger side mirror. I’ve had problems with everything from the fuel pump to the transmission. It’s old and it sucks. Also, it get like negative 83 miles to the gallon. And that’s a real problem these days, seeing as how putting twenty dollars in your tank can only almost get you to the next gas station.

Spent this weekend looking at hybrid SUVs. Now I don’t want to hear anyone’s nonsense telling me to get a nice little practical smart car or any shit like that. 1) I am a photographer. I routinely carry a huge amount of equipment and models with me on random trips, and I need the space. 2) I live in Pittsburgh. At the top of a hill. Really, in the 11 months out of the year when we have 18 feet of snow on the ground, one really wants four wheel drive.

Anyway, I’ve recently decided that for my lifestyle the Ford Escape is the perfect vehicle for me. It doesn’t have quite the luggage capacity of my Blazer, but it’s good enough, not to mention, nice and comfy and gets better than twice the gas milage I get right now. I might even be able to drive to the corner store and back for less than $47.

The problem is, a brand new one is like $30,000. Problem number two is that I don’t have $30,000. I’ve never actually owned a new car in my life. It just always seemed kinda silly. What with the "you lose $3000 just driving off the lot" and all. I’ve always been perfectly happy with used cars. The problem is motherfuckers who bought the Ford Escape Hybrid in the last 3 years (the came out in 2005) haven’t traded them back in yet. They’re hard as hell to find, and even when I do, the cheapest I’ve seen is like $19,000. Most people still want like $25000+ for them, and at that rate, I might as well have Ford custom build me one that’s decked out and pefect for like $32,000.

Fuck I hate life. I remember like in 1998 when I was driving a Cavalier Z24 and and less than a dollar a gallon, 20 bucks would fill up my tank and leave me more than enough change for a (much cheaper) pack of smokes and maybe a candy bar or something.

I blame freedom. In a world where I am ruler we would not have these problems. Again, I implore you citizens, in the polls this fall, vote for me. Not just as president, but as sovereign lord of all I survey. We tried the little democracy thing. Gave it over 230 years. Let’s face it. It just isn’t working out. Chalk it up to a lesson learned and appoint me as ruler and I promise a utopian society beyond you’re wildest dreams.

Or at the very least, I promise that you’ll fucking be able to fill up your tank for twenty dollars.

No, well, at the very least could you all pass the hat around and get me some scratch to buy a new vehicle? I swear, $30,000 and I’ll never ask for another thing again.

I’m worth it, right?

365 days



Day 683 of 365 More.

Hey look, it’s a TTV. Well, kinda anyway.

I’ve been really burnt out lately. Long day at work and had a lot of work to do on Thursday’s comic when I got home. On top of that, I have to get into work early tomorrow, which means I need to force myself to go to sleep soon, and it’s not even 12:30 and I’m totally not used to that.

Sigh… I’m burnt out. I really need a vacation. And a party. And a pony. Any two of the three would probably do.

365 days



Day 679 of 365 More.

I want to change my hair. I’ve actually been thinking about it for a while which is why I’ve let it grow so crazy. I think I want to get braids of some kind. I just can’t decide what.

Sometimes I think I want cornrows. Sometimes I think I want braids. I’m not sure which style of either. Every once in a while I really want to just go all natural and pick it out into a huge 70s afro. Unforunately, I don’t think that would allow me to exist in the day to day working society I have to frequent. Oh to be a full time artist.

Anyway, what do people think? I’m totally open to suggestions here.

365 days



Day 675 of 365 More.


So I hobbled up to the cigarette store after dinner to get some smokes (my knee is still screwed) and I looked up in the sky and the clouds were back lit in the absolute most beautiful way and I knew it had to be today’s self-portrait. So I hobbled back home and got my camera and my 50mm lens and tripod and then hobbled back up the hill to set up.

And then I kncked my tripod over!


Luckily my camera is fine, hence me not just killing myself on the spot, but the casing to the 50 completely cracked open. It’s ruined.

On a good note, at least it was my cheapest lens. But as any photographer knows, the 50 is like the bread and butter. I’ve already ordered a new one.


365 days