ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: hand



Day 672 of 365 More.

Brother can you spare a dime!!!!!

You know it’s crazy. I don’t do anything but work anymore. I guess it’s been like that for a while now, but I’m just starting to have it sink in.

I have so many extra projects, I can’t keep up with extra projects. 365s get posted after 4 in the morning. I keep falling behind on answering comments. I’m really behind on commenting on other people’s stuff. I started working on a tarot card like four days ago and haven’t gotten back to it. I haven’t had time to draw or edit my most recent photoshoot.

I’m just burnt out.

This will be so much easier when I become so famous that I don’t have to work a real job. But for being at work for 8+ hours a day, I’d really have a pretty good life.

As it is, I have no life anymore. It’s June. I should be well into planning Jammy Jam by now. I got nothing. No bands. No prizes. Last year we were actually talking about maybe trying to find some venue other than my house for this years jam, and yet I haven’t even been looking at outfits for myself. Anyone want a job being my Jammy Jam coordinator? My last one moved to Hawaii.

I’ve spent most of my time since I got home from work reorganizing the Hellcats site so that it can better display ads. Ewww, banner ads, my god have I sold out. But if I want to seriously be a writer/artist/whatever, I guess I have to make money some way. And I’m really happy about the Project: Wonderfiul business plan. They actually gaver us a serious boost in views today. Let’s hope it continues.

365 days



Day 666 of 365 More.

I wish I would have had the foresight to have started 365 Days two years and two days before I did so that my day 666 could have been on 6-6-06. Oh well.

I actually had intended to do something all devilish looking for this occasion, but I never got around to it. Besides, its 800 degrees outside. All I really want is to drink a margarita and cool off.

So I am.

Explore hates me. I really thought I was a shoe in with the VF cover from the other day. 51 comments, 19 faves. Far better than most of my pics have done lately. But I guess not. I guess I’m not as "interesting" as I thought. I haven’t made it in months. Oh well.

365 days



Day 663 of 365 More.

Well, they worked their asses off in the last 90 seconds, but the Pens didn’t pull off the win in game six. The Stanley Cup is over. *sigh* Wake me up when it’s football season.

Anyway, about this pic. I don’t really want to explain too much because it would ruin tomorrow’s shot. I haven’t done anything really big for 365 in a while, but for this weeks 365 Days Podcast picture of the week mini-challenge, I came up with something that I was hoping would be fun for everyone, and I wanted to do it justice myself. The theme will be Collaborations, a chance to work with another 365 photographer. So I decided to go for broke on this one and do something really ambitious.

So ambitious that I can’t just throw it all together tomorrow.

So what you’re looking at is the planning stage. The storyboarding.

Have I picqued your interests yet? Good. Be sure to check back tomorrow.

365 days



Day 648 of 365 More.

"Now keep in mind that I’m an artist,
And I’m sensitive about my shit…"

Let me let you in on a little secret. I’m not really a photographer. I never even wanted to be. I never took a single class for it.

What I wanted to be was an artist. It’s what I dreamed about when I was seven years old. It’s what I went to college for. I wanted to make comics. A childhood fantasy, sure, but its what I dreamed of.

That dream got ripped right out of my brain during school. I gave up. I became a writer, and later when I started seeing that being a writer was no more realistic than being an artist, I became a web designer.

Then I found photography. All the same rules of being an artist applied, just with different tools. And since I was doing it on my own again, there was no asshole faculty members telling me I was doing it wrong. I grew to even think I was kinda good at it. Sometimes I was even happy.

I got even happier when we started doing Hellcats. Lookie there! I was making a comic. The seven year old boy in my brain was shitting himself.

Max and I had this idea of doing a special edition of the book after we finish the second issue (which we still haven’t really started since we’ve been so busy with the comic strip). It would be four shorter solo stories, one for each of the girls. Each by a different artist. Max wants to write one of them as well as draw and it got me thinking that maybe I’d like to draw one as well as write.

God, I’m out of practice with freehand drawing. It’s been years since I’ve really given it a serious try. I totally suck now.

Now I have to decide if I want to retrain myself in the next few months (I don’t know when the hell I’d find the time) or just give up.

*sigh* There are just not enough hours in the day.

365 days


Day 633 of 365 More. Yesterday I touched a tombstone, today I touch the hand of God. Or pretty close anyway. It’s Cinco de Mayo, one of our great holidays. The day we celebrate The father of our great nation. José is our master. José decides who shall remember and who shall forget. Long live…


Day 632 of 365 More. This will probably be one of those rants that I love doing that will probably piss a lot of people off, so before I get to that, I guess it would make sense if I got the other stuff out of the way. Saw Iron Man today. Even thought about…


Day 620 of 365 More. Well, you know it must be spring because it’s time to mow the lawn again. Actually, I should have done this a week ago, but I was busy. And since I’ll be at Comicon all weekend I figured it was time I did something about the grass. So I did…


Day 614 of 365 More. Oh god my head…. I have no idea what’s wrong with me. I started getting a headache during the middle of the day at work and its grown since then. I’ve taken a couple Aleve and I can function, but only barely. It was my intent to just take this…


Day 598 of 365 More. You know, producing a comic book is more work that I ever dreamed. After spending all day yesterday on a shoot, I spent all day today coloring the artwork inside. Since I hadn’t really done anything else, I thought I’d give everyone a sneakpeak at one of the pages. Hopefully…


Day 577 of 365 More. This can’t be healthy. I just have too many things going on in my life. Obviously I have my job. Then you add on the pro-wrestling career, a photography career, co-hosting a photography podcast(iTunes), and being the inspiring spiritual guide to 7,967 people worldwide I barely have time to breathe,…


Day 565 of 365 More. I live in Pittsburgh. And like all Pittsburghers, I hate television football announcers. Actually, I disliked them before I even moved here. But once I moved here, and found that its standard fare for Pittsburghers to turn down the TV volume and watch the game with the radio on, well……


Day 556 of 365 More. It’s cold. Bitterly cold. I’ve kind had enough of it. There were rumors that it was going to be warmer this week. It now appears that was a filthy lie. Got up early today to get to work and run a client meeting. It’s funny. I’m not a morning person.…


Day 553 of 365 More. Everytime I do some heavy special effect superhero-esque shots like I did a couple times this week, I get a few people asking how I did stuff. Since I needed a podcast tutorial for this week I decided to maybe share some of the secrets. So make sure you check…


Day 538 of 365 More. My weekly poker game had been on hiatus since Christmas. Today we started back up. In some ways I almost wish we hadn’t. I wasn’t doing great, but i had ace/nine with an ace on the board and decided to go all in. Everyone folded except one person. Steph of…


Day 530 of 365 More. I have these days when I get really down on myself. Where I start thinking about this whole "being an aritst" thing and start wanting to reexamine my life. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I want to quit. Really I have no interest in that. And I’m not…