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Tag: hand


Day 516 of 365 More. I’m catching up. I finally finished editing the Jameel and Stu pics for the Black and Light project. Tomorrow, I’ll hopefully get a few Tarot cards posted, and then I’ve got some more shooting to do this weekend. Still don’t have a tutorial for this weeks podcast and unless I…


Day 476 of 365 More. And so do vacations start. My intent was to take my first picture for vacation right at the cabin. But I got out of work later than I wanted. It always seems that the more I want to leave, the longer I have to stay. Wanted to get on the…


Day 475 of 365 More. Gone Fishing… Or something like that. Steph and I are off on vacation tomorrow after work, and I don’t know what my internet connectivity will be like so this may be my last post before I get back. In any case, I’ll of course continue this while I’m gone and…


Day 435 of 365 More. And so Halloween begins, with the first costume contest of the year. This time at Liz’s (one of my model’s) houses. Had a great time, played some drinking games and it looks like I picked up another model for a future shoot. All in all it was a good day,…


Day 402 of 365 More. Peanut butter and jelly. The food of the gods. PB&J was my favorite lunch growing up and continues to be my favorite late night snack today. Long day at work today, but I think I may be starting to settle in. I hope anyway. Did another tarot shoot when I…


Day 395 of 365 More. So today I made the decision to accept an offer from what I was calling company #2. I was holding out a bit for company #1 to see what their offer was, but they still weren’t ready to make me one yet, and I like company #2 better anyway, so…


Day 377 of 365 More. Mirror mirror on the wall Tell me mirror what is wrong? Can it be my De La Clothes Or is it just my De La Soul What I do ain’t make believe People say I sit and try But when it comes to being De La It’s just me myself…


Day 355 of 365 days. You load sixteen tons and what do you get? Another year older and deeper in debt. And a belly full of sushi. Today is my birthday. It was rather low-key compared to the festivities of this weekend but it was nice. Steph and several of my friends took me out…


Day 354 of 365 days. I hurt myself today, just to see if I could feel I was supposed to have a photoshoot today, but that ended up getting cancelled because I could never get in touch with the model. Instead that gave me some time to work on getting caught up with previous photoshoots…


Day 313 of 365 days. Sometimes I feel like more than anything else, I’m keeping myself down. Despite praise by others I frequently don’t think my photography is very good (the same with my writing and pretty much everything else I ever do). Despite being pretty good at what I do for a "real job"…


Day 281 of 365 days. Basically took it easy today. Spent the morning editing pics from Thursday’s photoshoot (there should be some posted soon) and then took a nice long hot tub soak. That did wonders for my back. I’m still hurting a bit, but it really is much better. I’ll say it again, if…


Day 278 of 365 days. Two days in a row and not a studio shot. It’s been a while since I did that. Finished and posted another tarot card, today. The Queen of Staffs. Then I had a another photoshoot for the tarot deck. I have one tomorrow evening and possibly one in the morning,…



Schwei was a friend of Brae’s (the model I picked to be the Death card in my Tarot deck) and was accompanying her on her shoot with me. He didn’t have any modeling experience but he had a good look for my concept of the Devil card. I especially love the beard and the tattoo on his hand.

Initially I had envisioned the devil having traditional horns, and I probably could have created some pretty realistic ones in photoshop or maybe with theater makeup, but in retrospect, I’m kind of glad I didn’t. I really like the look of the single model bathed in red light except for the flaming hand. I think more would have been distracting.

This also shows that there are indeed men in the Tarot deck. It’s only the second male card I’ve done. Its actually a little harder to find male models for this kind of thing than I thought it would be. I also need to get some more of the less gothic cards done. Just so that there’s a little more variety. The cards with Steph and Theresa show a little more playfulness, but its still on the dark side right now.