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Tag: hand


Day 258 of 365 days. So I had a photoshoot scheduled for today, but the model called me a couple hours before and let me know that she was having car problems and wouldn’t be able to come. We had to reschedule for next week. That pretty much left the rest of my day open.…


Day 245 of 365 days. TGIF. It kinda loses something when you don’t have a job. Oh well. Spent the morning working on my new website, which hopefully I’ll have done in a week or so. Then spent the afternoon cleaning the old bedroom/new studio. I’m so awful at cleaning. I’m getting it done, but…


Day 219 of 365 days. I’m always amazed at the kinds of toys kids have today. How much cooler they are than "back in my day." But the really odd thing about kids is how they can be amused by very simple things that maybe grown-ups take for granted. Steph and I went to a…


Day 218 of 365 days. Three days of color in a row. It’s been a long time since I did that. And Max is still out of the country so I can’t even brag to him about it. Had a busy day today and no time to really come up with any thing crazy. Finally…


Day 204 of 365 days. Witness the grandmother of all back up shots. It was a pretty long day. First I got a rejection letter in the mail for a job that claims I interviewed well, but I don’t remember even applying for, much less interviewing for. From there, Steph and I went to Gina’s…


Day 199 of 365 days. There was actually a lot I wanted to get around to doing today. Working on some photo editting. Working on my paper for the conference. Playing some quality video games. Didn’t really get to any of that. Instead, I spent the day doing phone interviews for a couple different jobs.…


Day 197 of 365 days. Gotta love technology. Went to a violin recital with Steph and her family to see her nephew play. At the risk of sounding like an ass, let me say what the biggest problem with kids recitals is. They’re not really that good. I mean sure some of the kids are…

Gina Silhouette

Gina Silhouette

Did a photo shoot with my nine month pregnant friend Gina the other day. I haven’t edited most of the photos yet (I’m still working on editing the pics from the shoot before it) but I wanted to use this one for Class with Dave.

Anyway, Gina wanted nice artsy pictures of herself while pregnant. And since the baby is due any day now, it seemed like we should get them done sooner rather than later.

The class with Dave assignment was to create a backlit silhouette. And Gina wanted one anyway, it all worked out perfectly.


Day 185 of 365 days. Witness the picture of a man who looks like crap. I had a relapse of whatever had me sick last week. Started coughing during the day yesterday, and was really sick by the time I went to bed (after taking enough Nyquil to put me in a nice healthy coma).…


Day 175 of 365 days. It was a very busy day and so I had to resort to a last minute back up shot. Slept in, after not being able to sleep last night and spent the day dealing with other things. I did work out and still made it to wrestling practice. Go me…


Day 172 of 365 days. Kind of a boring day. I ran some errands and then did work around the house. Did some cleaning. Shoveled the snow. Did some painting in the attic. Then had dinner with Steph. I actually took this as my backup shot for today and then mere moments later I had…


Day 165 of 365 days. For Christmas, I got Steph an easel and a bunch of art products because she wanted to be more creative. She’s even been doing her own 365 Day project as of a couple days ago (using the camera I bought her for our anniversary). But one of the things she…


Day 164 of 365 days. Sometimes I like my backup ideas better than the initial plans. A couple days ago, a company that sales water purifiers called me and asked if I’d allow them to come to our house and test our water and give us a sales pitch. In return, they’d give us a…


Day 162 of 365 days. Kind of a lazy day today. My headache never entirely faded so I mostly laid on the couch and played video games all day, taking an exciting break to play trivial pursuit with Steph and have dinner. We were actually planning on going out to a friends place, but then…


Day 160 of 365 days. Last week I joined a flickr community created by fellow 365er, daverexwood. Dave is taking a photography class and has challenged others to do his weekly assignments with him. I thought it’d be a fine set of exercises to work on improving my photography. There were four assignments for the…