ChrisMaverick dotcom

Tag: hand


Day 133 of 365 days. For some reason I thought it’d be a good idea today to attempt to really capture a single moment. Something that I pretty much never do. Take one shot and just hope its perfect. I did it and got home and looked at the shot and its not as perfect…


Day 132 of 365 days. It was such a long day. it started out ok. Went to work, made plans to go over and exchange presents with a friend this evening, came home, and then my troubles began. Supposedly I should be able to get high definition feeds of the local Pittsburgh channels through my…


Day 130 of 365 days. I’ve had a monster headache most of the day today. Honestly I considered just tossing a lame backup shot as the picture for today, but since I kind of had a cop out picture yesterday, I decided that i really needed to put something good on today. Then I realized.…


Day 129 of 365 days. I had to make a CD of some of my design work for a job I applied for. They want to do a portfolio review. I was hoping to get a clearer reflection of myself in the CD but oh well. Like I said, I’m trying to be a little…


Day 119 of 365 days. Today after work, Steph and I went to a going away party for a couple we know. It was an evening of fun where we discussed politics and books and college and football and tv shows. Had a great time with old friends and some that I didn’t even know.…


Day 113 of 365 days. Two days in a row with two backup pictures. Had a very busy day. Spent the morning painting the attic with Steph and then this evening went to Jill’s birthday dinner. I actually did take some pictures there but mostly other people. Actually took this one at her place while…


Day 112 of 365 days. There were many opportunities for a kick ass picture today. There was a torrential downpour this morning. A massive windstorm this afternoon and I went to a flickr event this evening. And yet none of the photos I took compared to this. And so here’s what we have. What I…


Day 110 of 365 days. Today, I am 30% of the way through this project. In some ways it feels like I just started and in other ways it feels like I’ve always been doing this. Wanted to play with something different today, so I opted to see what I could do with my new…


Day 100 of 365 days. One hundred days. Never would have thought I’d make it that far. Wanted to do something special that might stand out a bit in order to commemerate it. I hope this fits the bill. I noticed that I hadn’t been doing as much photoshop gimmickery lately, and part of me…


Day 98 of 365 days. Another one of those days where I decided I might try something new and different. Another one of those new and different ideas that didn’t turn out quite how I wanted but is at least somewhat interesting. I think it may even be better than the original idea. So this…


Day 89 of 365 days. When I started this project I never envisioned how popular it would become. I figured maybe I’d have like 5 other people doing it and maybe 10-15 friends who were paying attention to my narcissism. I never thought for a moment that I’d have a group of over 1000 people…


Day 81 of 365 days. I don’t know what happened to the kids of today. When I was a kid we had TONS of trick or treaters coming to the house on halloween. We’d actually run out of candy sometimes. Past experience these last couple of years taught me that getting that kind of turn-out…


Day 66 of 365 days. Steph wanted to learn more about Photoshop and asked me to teach her some stuff so I came up with this little exercise to teach her a couple things. I had been wanting to do something else Photoshoppy anyway. So I kinda threw this together while watching Heroes tonight. Maybe…


Day 59 of 365 days. Here we go. A color photo. You know how some people have problems with cocaine and heroin and stuff? I have this addiction to DVDs. I know. I know. But somehow I just can’t help myself. I started out just experimenting with VHS. The gateway media. And then it was…