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Tag: hands


Day 525 of 365 More. And I’m done. Well, I’m not done, the show isn’t til tomorrow, but I’m finally finished preparing for it. With as much as work as I put into this in the last month, I honestly no longer remember a time when I WASN’T working on this show. But now, less…


Day 508 of 365 More. And Happy New Year. I personally didn’t do very much today, so I don’t have much to talk about. I spent the day recovering from my new years hangover while working on photos and playing video games. Instead I’d like to use this space to welcome all the new 365ers…


Day 448 of 365 More. Mission complete. A lot of people have been wondering what the secret mssion from 10-14-07 was. Well today I can finally say. Today is Steph and my anniversary. And for a present, I bought her a brand new Wii. The only video game console she has ever wanted. After we…


Day 428 of 365 More. Was so busy yesterday that I never got a chance to post this til today. The funny thing is, i don’t even remember why anymore. I know I had a wrestling show in the evening, but what I did all day is pretty much a blank. I think it was…


Day 389 of 365 More. Actually had a pretty good job interview today. I’m pretty sure that I have a job there if I want it, which takes a lot of the pressure off for Thursday’s interview. Of course I’ve been wrong before, so I’m not out of the woods yet. But I do feel…


Day 380 of 365 More. Spent the morning watching Ninja Warrior with Steph and then went to a BBQ at her sister’s house and played some Nintendo Wii. It was a nice way to spend a Sunday. Need to get up REALLY early in the morning tomorrow. I have a job interview at 7:30, so…


Day 309 of 365 days. Slept in today. And by slept in, that means I got up at like 10. I really don’t sleep much. Anyway, spent the day doing some maintenance on my laptop (which is working a bunch better now) and working on pics some. Went to see the third Pirates of the…


Day 290 of 365 days. Today was tarot card processing day. That’s pretty much what I did all day. I now have 20 cards done in the Maverick Tarot set. I wanted to see what the cards will ultimately look like so I printed them out on my inkjet. Now I need to buy more…


Day 286 of 365 days. I haven’t felt the slightest bit creative all day. This was the first day in 286 that I really just couldn’t care less about photography or 365 or anything. I was just completely burnt out. I’ve been working pretty hard on the Tarot Project lately. I’ve finished several new cards.…


Day 267 of 365 days. You know what I haven’t done for 365 in a long time? I haven’t featured Steph in a pic. I kind of pulled back from using her when she started trying the project herself. But she got lazy and pulled out eventually and I never started using her much again.…


Day 252 of 365 days. Ok, I am ready to stop getting sick now any day. Really I am. I’ve been feeling pretty ok lately. And I woke up ok today, but I had developed a sore throat by about noon or one. Not too big a deal, except that I had a wrestling show…


Day 205 of 365 days. Generally I don’t really like to repeat the same basic shot two days in a row (unless I plan ahead for a good reason, like with my day 182 and day 183 shots), but the dichotomy of today just made this too perfect. Yesterday I was in a room of…


Day 195 of 365 days. I got home very late last night from that old lady’s house that I mentioned yesterday. I wish someone had warned me about her. She wanted to do unspeakable things. Just unspeakable! Anyway, it was another productive day for FUNemployed Mav. I talked to a couple different recruiters about jobs.…

Damsel hands

Damsel hands

The other day, I did a photoshoot with the lovely and talented Liz. It was the first time I shot her, but she did a great job and I can’t wait to do it again.

I’ve decided to start posting the photos as I finish them instead of waiting for the entire set to be done.

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