I am a black man, born in the 1970s, who grew up as such a comic book nerd that I decided to go out and get a Ph.D in it. Today, Luke Cage has his own TV series. I just got home from work, so I have not watched a single episode yet. More so…
I did a sketch card of Misty Knight almost two years ago. I decided that I needed to do one of her partner Colleen Wing too, mostly just to match the set (even though Misty is probably more famous in the comics right now) but also, I just really like how my Daughters of the…
Had some time to do some sketching… well, ok, I never have time, but I wanted to do some sketching to clear my mind instead of doing what I was supposed to be doing. So I decided to do the Iron Fist sketch card that I’ve been meaning to do forever to go with the…