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Tag: leg

Housewife-214-Edit copy

Housewife-214-Edit copy

This is totally like Zivity week for me. I’ve had three sets go live. I feel like I’m spamming people just by bringing it up all the time.

Anyway, Marybeth had her first set published there, and it’s doing pretty well. So you know, same as always, here’s a sample, more if you go there.

Really, I’ll try to get some more flickr specific stuff done soon. I promise.

Housewife-67-Edit copy

Housewife-67-Edit copy

This is totally like Zivity week for me. I’ve had three sets go live. I feel like I’m spamming people just by bringing it up all the time.

Anyway, Marybeth had her first set published there, and it’s doing pretty well. So you know, same as always, here’s a sample, more if you go there.

Really, I’ll try to get some more flickr specific stuff done soon. I promise.


Day 1070 of 365 Again. I continue to live in two different worlds. Long day at work, with the project I’m working on moving slower than I really want it to. Then as soon as I was done, I rushed off to do a photoshoot. It was fun, I had only a loose idea before…


Day 822 of 365 Again. Ow. The problem with wrestling is that I’m old. Oh so very old. I still enjoy it, otherwise I wouldn’t do it, but man am I sore the next day. Yesterday, I was in a Battle Royal and then I was in a tag team triple threat match. When I…


Day 744 of 365 Again. First of all, Happy Birthday to my little brother, who probably will never read this, but whatever. Had a photoshoot today. This is Scarlett. And there’s one big reason that I wanted to shoot her. I thought she’d looke awesome on a stripper pole. Something I definitely needed for the…


Day 733 of 365 Again. It’s been a long time since I’ve done a flickr challenge. At least not one that Stephen or I didn’t come up with for the podcast. But then Brigid came up with this idea to do a Marionette Militia and I had to join in. It was a little tricky…